Recommendations of Norteño

  • Lainie Vansant: Norteño

    Cizmar has chosen a powerful script and updated it in a powerful way. As a Spanish Golden Age nerd, I really enjoyed the thoughtfulness that went into this script, the distinct voice and relevance that Cizmar brings to the project, and the power of the women in this script. If you want a new take on a sometimes overlooked classic, this is the play for you!

    Cizmar has chosen a powerful script and updated it in a powerful way. As a Spanish Golden Age nerd, I really enjoyed the thoughtfulness that went into this script, the distinct voice and relevance that Cizmar brings to the project, and the power of the women in this script. If you want a new take on a sometimes overlooked classic, this is the play for you!

  • Cheryl Bear: Norteño

    A powerful look into border interests and the ethics surrounding the situation regarding the interest of business and of the wellbeing of the people. Well done.

    A powerful look into border interests and the ethics surrounding the situation regarding the interest of business and of the wellbeing of the people. Well done.

  • Unicorn Theatre: Norteño

    This play was a SEMIFINALIST for the 2019-2020 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support NORTENO.

    This play was a SEMIFINALIST for the 2019-2020 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support NORTENO.

  • Kitchen Dog Theater: Norteño

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.