I had the great fortune of seeing this piece read at the New Art City Theatre Festival. This is a moving and cathartic treat for actors and audiences alike, ripe with a stunning poetic sensibility that contrasts gorgeously against the very human story at the center. As it's based on real people and events, the characters are rich and specific, with distinct voices that resonate. While there is room for some theatrical spectacle, there are so many moments that feel viscerally tender - the warm, flawed relationships are the beating heart of this adoption story for the stage. Lovely.
I had the great fortune of seeing this piece read at the New Art City Theatre Festival. This is a moving and cathartic treat for actors and audiences alike, ripe with a stunning poetic sensibility that contrasts gorgeously against the very human story at the center. As it's based on real people and events, the characters are rich and specific, with distinct voices that resonate. While there is room for some theatrical spectacle, there are so many moments that feel viscerally tender - the warm, flawed relationships are the beating heart of this adoption story for the stage. Lovely.