Cricket Woman Mother Earth explores the anxiety caused by an overwhelming amount of access to terrifying, dehumanizing, and hope-killing news. As some tweet supposedly quoting someone's therapist said: our brains didn't evolve at the same rate as our technology, we are not built to handle this much daily trauma. The best moments in Cricket Woman question our tendency (especially in Trump! Era! Theatre!) to see current events as new, awful developments instead of more of the old, but the womb-horror aspects were a close second for me. More horror theatre, please!
Cricket Woman Mother Earth explores the anxiety caused by an overwhelming amount of access to terrifying, dehumanizing, and hope-killing news. As some tweet supposedly quoting someone's therapist said: our brains didn't evolve at the same rate as our technology, we are not built to handle this much daily trauma. The best moments in Cricket Woman question our tendency (especially in Trump! Era! Theatre!) to see current events as new, awful developments instead of more of the old, but the womb-horror aspects were a close second for me. More horror theatre, please!