Even though addressing racism in the 1940s, this is a script for right now! Lawton paints a verbal mural of Black Artists’ struggle to bring their art and their ancestral culture into a predominantly racist society. Lines such as: "One day, if we’re lucky, our work will transcend race" made clear Black Artists still have not yet been given enough respectful encouragement to create their truth in their art. Lawton packs a bounty of determined power in the hearts of John Biggers and Samella Sanders Lewis, the artists she champions in this play of amazing perspective. Brava!
Even though addressing racism in the 1940s, this is a script for right now! Lawton paints a verbal mural of Black Artists’ struggle to bring their art and their ancestral culture into a predominantly racist society. Lines such as: "One day, if we’re lucky, our work will transcend race" made clear Black Artists still have not yet been given enough respectful encouragement to create their truth in their art. Lawton packs a bounty of determined power in the hearts of John Biggers and Samella Sanders Lewis, the artists she champions in this play of amazing perspective. Brava!