Recommendations of Escape Velocity

  • Cheryl Bear: Escape Velocity

    A fantastic uncovering of the impact the sexual revolution has on a couple bringing a swell of questions and emotions to the surface. Captivating and well done!

    A fantastic uncovering of the impact the sexual revolution has on a couple bringing a swell of questions and emotions to the surface. Captivating and well done!

  • Steven Strafford: Escape Velocity

    With an easy sense of dialogue and finding the comedy in romantic and sexual tensions, Hillis tells a detailed story not only of two couples but of a western culture that is always torn between two ways of thinking about sex. Highly recommend.

    With an easy sense of dialogue and finding the comedy in romantic and sexual tensions, Hillis tells a detailed story not only of two couples but of a western culture that is always torn between two ways of thinking about sex. Highly recommend.

  • Steven A Butler, Jr.: Escape Velocity

    Beautiful from beginning to end. Lovely work!

    Beautiful from beginning to end. Lovely work!

  • Kitchen Dog Theater: Escape Velocity

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

  • MT Cozzola: Escape Velocity

    Sparkling dialog and weightless construction belie the intense emotional yearning at the heart of this play. This is a great vehicle for four strong actors. Each relationship is tested and transformed. I was also surprised -- when I heard it out loud -- how very funny it is.

    Sparkling dialog and weightless construction belie the intense emotional yearning at the heart of this play. This is a great vehicle for four strong actors. Each relationship is tested and transformed. I was also surprised -- when I heard it out loud -- how very funny it is.

  • Joe Zarrow: Escape Velocity

    If Noel Coward wrote a beautiful achronological play about the '60s counterculture, you might get something as lovely as Escape Velocity.

    If Noel Coward wrote a beautiful achronological play about the '60s counterculture, you might get something as lovely as Escape Velocity.