Hormones are running hot for the six astronauts of the Lunar One moon base. Everybody’s got a crush on somebody and nobody’s happy. But as geo-political conditions on Earth deteriorate, they’re going to have to face that age old question: what are the only six survivors of the human race, living on the moon, supposed to do after the world ends?
Hormones are running hot for the six astronauts of the Lunar One moon base. Everybody’s got a crush on somebody and nobody’s happy. But as geo-political conditions on Earth deteriorate, they’re going to have to face that age old question: what are the only six survivors of the human race, living on the moon, supposed to do after the world ends?
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Moon Sex Moon
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Warren Paul Glover:
Moon Sex Moon
by Aaron Weissman
A far-side-of-the moon funny based on a fascinating - if fearsome - premise. The farce translates (transports?) well to the big cheese, and there is a little cheese in the play too - in keeping with the theme/genre - that is more than complemented by some sharp observations, deft characterisation and killer lines. The best argument for moon colonisation I've read yet. A lunar epic!
A far-side-of-the moon funny based on a fascinating - if fearsome - premise. The farce translates (transports?) well to the big cheese, and there is a little cheese in the play too - in keeping with the theme/genre - that is more than complemented by some sharp observations, deft characterisation and killer lines. The best argument for moon colonisation I've read yet. A lunar epic!