I saw a production of HOODED at the Mosaic Theatre in DC a few years back, and the beauty of it has never left me. The many complex societal themes in this play, along with a dose of modern philosophy, make this a drama for our times. So much has happened since the death of Trayvon Martin, and this play is even more relevant today than it was then. There are many issues here (code switching, intersectionality, as well as the universal issues of adolescent identity), but it is not heavy-handed. There is a lot of humor, as well. Brilliant!
I saw a production of HOODED at the Mosaic Theatre in DC a few years back, and the beauty of it has never left me. The many complex societal themes in this play, along with a dose of modern philosophy, make this a drama for our times. So much has happened since the death of Trayvon Martin, and this play is even more relevant today than it was then. There are many issues here (code switching, intersectionality, as well as the universal issues of adolescent identity), but it is not heavy-handed. There is a lot of humor, as well. Brilliant!