Recommendations of A'nat Dittni

  • Lainie Vansant: A'nat Dittni

    Can ancient tales coexist with our postmodern world? This beautiful, heartbreaking play tackles that question fearlessly. It's a great example of the ten minute medium and is sure to leave the audience wanting more. Check it out!

    Can ancient tales coexist with our postmodern world? This beautiful, heartbreaking play tackles that question fearlessly. It's a great example of the ten minute medium and is sure to leave the audience wanting more. Check it out!

  • Jeanette Hill: A'nat Dittni

    What a heartfelt story about the importance of the relationship between a father and daughter-souls connecting-our history. Unfortunately,we are losing too much of it in a world of fast, easy and disposable relationships. Thank you for reminding us of the value and need to tell our stories from generation to generation. I would love to this staged...

    What a heartfelt story about the importance of the relationship between a father and daughter-souls connecting-our history. Unfortunately,we are losing too much of it in a world of fast, easy and disposable relationships. Thank you for reminding us of the value and need to tell our stories from generation to generation. I would love to this staged...

  • Steven G. Martin: A'nat Dittni

    Chisholm shows the need for storytelling and oral history in "A'nat Dittni," which feels very much like a folktale. It's also the story of loss and the connections that sometimes deepen when we recognize loss will soon be upon us.

    Chisholm shows the need for storytelling and oral history in "A'nat Dittni," which feels very much like a folktale. It's also the story of loss and the connections that sometimes deepen when we recognize loss will soon be upon us.

  • Duvayne Emanuel: A'nat Dittni

    Being from the deep south and a practictioner of hoodoo, this play truly resonated with me. Its spiritual overtones and flavorful language was music to my ears. And the tradition of taking care of the elderly parent who once took care of you hits home hard. Good stuff.

    Being from the deep south and a practictioner of hoodoo, this play truly resonated with me. Its spiritual overtones and flavorful language was music to my ears. And the tradition of taking care of the elderly parent who once took care of you hits home hard. Good stuff.

  • Lee R. Lawing: A'nat Dittni

    Such a magical play richly told about passing on one's story to the next generation and keeping it from dying. out. I love how the scene plays out with the daughter in need to tell her own secret and the pain of maybe not being able to carry her father's wish that their story continue from one generation to the next. It made me sad thinking of all the lost stories of our world and resonated so strongly from a writer's viewpoint. I would love to see this on stage and can't wait to read more of Chisholm's beautiful work.

    Such a magical play richly told about passing on one's story to the next generation and keeping it from dying. out. I love how the scene plays out with the daughter in need to tell her own secret and the pain of maybe not being able to carry her father's wish that their story continue from one generation to the next. It made me sad thinking of all the lost stories of our world and resonated so strongly from a writer's viewpoint. I would love to see this on stage and can't wait to read more of Chisholm's beautiful work.

  • Rachel Bublitz: A'nat Dittni

    A beautiful short play about loss and what we can and can't pass on through generations. The two characters in this piece have such vibrant needs, both would be fantastic roles for actors to step into. The language is steeped in myth and folklore, and is equal parts lovely and heart breaking. After reading "A'nat Dittni" I'm really excited to dig into more of Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm's work.

    A beautiful short play about loss and what we can and can't pass on through generations. The two characters in this piece have such vibrant needs, both would be fantastic roles for actors to step into. The language is steeped in myth and folklore, and is equal parts lovely and heart breaking. After reading "A'nat Dittni" I'm really excited to dig into more of Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm's work.

  • Asher Wyndham: A'nat Dittni

    Anyone who has lost a love one, who has attended to someone who "ain't long for the world", anyone who's watched that special someone die in their arms can relate to this. Poignant. Poetic. Perfect. Produce it now. I enjoyed the story telling with the rose, the river stone and other symbols. I will definitely check out Chisholm's other plays.

    Anyone who has lost a love one, who has attended to someone who "ain't long for the world", anyone who's watched that special someone die in their arms can relate to this. Poignant. Poetic. Perfect. Produce it now. I enjoyed the story telling with the rose, the river stone and other symbols. I will definitely check out Chisholm's other plays.

  • Caitlin Turnage: A'nat Dittni

    A beautiful play about the passing down of ancestory and the responsibility in inheriting its story. Chisholm never fails to disappoint with his stunning language, his specific narrative, and the voices he brings to life with every word. Chisholm is a spectacular master of his craft. With every piece of his I learn something new. He's the kind of writer you follow their entire career. Read this playwright, ALL of his work. It's important and it's beautiful.

    A beautiful play about the passing down of ancestory and the responsibility in inheriting its story. Chisholm never fails to disappoint with his stunning language, his specific narrative, and the voices he brings to life with every word. Chisholm is a spectacular master of his craft. With every piece of his I learn something new. He's the kind of writer you follow their entire career. Read this playwright, ALL of his work. It's important and it's beautiful.

  • Stephen Spotswood: A'nat Dittni

    A lovely short play filled with lush language and fantastic storytelling. If you like fables and folktales (which I very much do), check it out.

    A lovely short play filled with lush language and fantastic storytelling. If you like fables and folktales (which I very much do), check it out.