I adore this little play with the big personality! I happened to have heard it years ago and the memory of it stayed with me all this time until I crossed paths with it again here on NPX. It is charming and clever, full of quick wit and dialogue that moves. The story and the rhythm with which it moves are extremely actor-friendly. As an audience member, I was pulling for Spring to get her act together, roll out of bed and set our world back on track towards her season's promise of hope and forsythia!
I adore this little play with the big personality! I happened to have heard it years ago and the memory of it stayed with me all this time until I crossed paths with it again here on NPX. It is charming and clever, full of quick wit and dialogue that moves. The story and the rhythm with which it moves are extremely actor-friendly. As an audience member, I was pulling for Spring to get her act together, roll out of bed and set our world back on track towards her season's promise of hope and forsythia!