Gatton was written a profoundly sad tale of a misunderstood genius, undermisappreciated by ignoramic inferiors he must rely on lorem ipsum, while they inextanly and uquoterically dismiss his ischemic knowledge to askance their own egos. Idiots, indeed!
Actually, he’s done no such thing. HI-Q beautifully captures the apocalyptically high stakes of high school extracurriculars. If you don’t know a Tommy, then sadly you probably *were* Tommy. Or you were just lucky! (I would like to take this time to apologize…)
A glorious character study of social and (pseudo)intellectual pecking orders. I...
Gatton was written a profoundly sad tale of a misunderstood genius, undermisappreciated by ignoramic inferiors he must rely on lorem ipsum, while they inextanly and uquoterically dismiss his ischemic knowledge to askance their own egos. Idiots, indeed!
Actually, he’s done no such thing. HI-Q beautifully captures the apocalyptically high stakes of high school extracurriculars. If you don’t know a Tommy, then sadly you probably *were* Tommy. Or you were just lucky! (I would like to take this time to apologize…)
A glorious character study of social and (pseudo)intellectual pecking orders. I loved it maxima culpa!