"Koalas" is a delightfully weird and warm-hearted dramedy populated with truly unique and deftly rendered characters. Cox spins a compelling story propelled in many ways by Ray, while also giving satisfying arcs to every other character in the piece (Theo the koala included). Nate is an wonderfully complex and nuanced character--always a treat when a writer gives young people that level of depth. A real sense of the visual, spatial, and aural landscape of this theatrical world is also incredibly clear from just the text itself. How I'd so love to see a production of this piece!
"Koalas" is a delightfully weird and warm-hearted dramedy populated with truly unique and deftly rendered characters. Cox spins a compelling story propelled in many ways by Ray, while also giving satisfying arcs to every other character in the piece (Theo the koala included). Nate is an wonderfully complex and nuanced character--always a treat when a writer gives young people that level of depth. A real sense of the visual, spatial, and aural landscape of this theatrical world is also incredibly clear from just the text itself. How I'd so love to see a production of this piece!