Recommendations of Lineage

  • Cheryl Bear: Lineage

    A brilliant exploration of some major issues and relationship dynamics within a family with great humor. Well done.

    A brilliant exploration of some major issues and relationship dynamics within a family with great humor. Well done.

  • Emily Hageman: Lineage

    This is my first foray into Flanagan territory and I am hooked. This play balances the realism and the experimental perfectly, it is EXTREMELY funny and very genuine, you love and hate each of the characters at different moments throughout. The story is relatable and hurts. I could not love the character of Jess more--a character that we don't get to see much, a deeply broken woman who runs her mouth and regrets it. I couldn't stop reading. This would be electric on stage and I hope it gets a production soon.

    This is my first foray into Flanagan territory and I am hooked. This play balances the realism and the experimental perfectly, it is EXTREMELY funny and very genuine, you love and hate each of the characters at different moments throughout. The story is relatable and hurts. I could not love the character of Jess more--a character that we don't get to see much, a deeply broken woman who runs her mouth and regrets it. I couldn't stop reading. This would be electric on stage and I hope it gets a production soon.

  • Larry Herold: Lineage

    This is cool. Real-life characters, some fascinating flights of fancy, several surprising twists, great parts for actors who can switch around between roles, a satire of modern life but a grounding in real life issues. And, as they said in "The Player,"... "but with heart!" Yes, with lots of heart. Check it out.

    This is cool. Real-life characters, some fascinating flights of fancy, several surprising twists, great parts for actors who can switch around between roles, a satire of modern life but a grounding in real life issues. And, as they said in "The Player,"... "but with heart!" Yes, with lots of heart. Check it out.

  • Jessica Bashline: Lineage

    This is a fascinating and truly imaginative play. The play is at times totally realistic, and at other moments fully experimental, all the time feeling cohesive. It is a theatrical exploration of family, and all its iterations. Anne's facility with language and her ability to create strong, and sometimes surprising relationships really drive this play. I look forward to seeing where it goes!

    This is a fascinating and truly imaginative play. The play is at times totally realistic, and at other moments fully experimental, all the time feeling cohesive. It is a theatrical exploration of family, and all its iterations. Anne's facility with language and her ability to create strong, and sometimes surprising relationships really drive this play. I look forward to seeing where it goes!