Recommendations of BlueShift

  • Nick Malakhow: BlueShift

    A gorgeous, haunting play about relationships, depression, and the complex and perpetual process of taking care of one's mental health in adulthood. The relationship between Martha and Damon is rendered with such fine and nuanced brushstrokes, and the theatricalization of Martha's demons is unique, supremely effective, and gives so much for a production team to work with from all angles--actors, directors, designers. This play manages to plumb the scary depths of depression and to end on a hopeful note that doesn't sugarcoat or idealize recovery. Beautiful!

    A gorgeous, haunting play about relationships, depression, and the complex and perpetual process of taking care of one's mental health in adulthood. The relationship between Martha and Damon is rendered with such fine and nuanced brushstrokes, and the theatricalization of Martha's demons is unique, supremely effective, and gives so much for a production team to work with from all angles--actors, directors, designers. This play manages to plumb the scary depths of depression and to end on a hopeful note that doesn't sugarcoat or idealize recovery. Beautiful!

  • Ramona Rose King: BlueShift

    This beautiful play is a theatrical, mind-bending love story. It really drives home the fact that the scariest thing to be haunted by is yourself—your past and your potential future(s).

    This beautiful play is a theatrical, mind-bending love story. It really drives home the fact that the scariest thing to be haunted by is yourself—your past and your potential future(s).

  • Unicorn Theatre: BlueShift

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support BLUESHIFT.

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support BLUESHIFT.

  • Kitchen Dog Theater: BlueShift

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2017 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2017 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

  • Eugene O'Neill Theater Center: BlueShift

    It is the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center's pleasure to recommend John King and their play BlueShift as a finalist for our 2016 National Playwrights Conference. The play rose through a competitive, anonymous, multileveled selection process that took nearly nine months to execute. As one of 54 finalists out of more than 1,450 submissions, the strength of its writing has allowed this work to prosper in such a competitive selection process. Our readers especially appreciated the palpable relationship between Damon and Martha and the mix of humor and mystery in this exploration of depression and...

    It is the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center's pleasure to recommend John King and their play BlueShift as a finalist for our 2016 National Playwrights Conference. The play rose through a competitive, anonymous, multileveled selection process that took nearly nine months to execute. As one of 54 finalists out of more than 1,450 submissions, the strength of its writing has allowed this work to prosper in such a competitive selection process. Our readers especially appreciated the palpable relationship between Damon and Martha and the mix of humor and mystery in this exploration of depression and alcoholism.