An unsettling and effective drama/thriller of sorts with some darkly comedic threads woven throughout. In the character of Peter, Moss has created a dynamic nucleus around which Ash and Eva orbit. As is the case in real life, Eva and Ash learn much about themselves, one another, and their relationship through the ways they interact with (and see the other one interact with) the troubled Peter. Moss also captures a unique sense of theatricality that blurs the line between the "theatrical" and "cinematic" in a delightful way. Couldn't put it down and read it straight through!
An unsettling and effective drama/thriller of sorts with some darkly comedic threads woven throughout. In the character of Peter, Moss has created a dynamic nucleus around which Ash and Eva orbit. As is the case in real life, Eva and Ash learn much about themselves, one another, and their relationship through the ways they interact with (and see the other one interact with) the troubled Peter. Moss also captures a unique sense of theatricality that blurs the line between the "theatrical" and "cinematic" in a delightful way. Couldn't put it down and read it straight through!