by Patrick Thomas McCarthy ptmc
PRIDE RIVER CROSSING: A Spoon River for a New Century
Character Information
- ONE – male adult plays: Doc Hill, Leviticus Johnson, Dad Kenny Kelly-Kennedy, Old Man 1, Mickey, Ray Dare, Groom Bob, Harold Potter, Attorney Dewey CheatamCharacter Age30s,40s,50sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityMale
- TWO – female adult plays: Rachel, Dr. Singer, Secret Rapture, Mrs. McMahon, Dance Teacher, Bride Carol, Hope, Ms. Sherman, the JudgeCharacter Age30s,40s,50sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityFemale
- THREE – male adult plays: Mr. Drama, Dom Dippold, Dad Kevin Kelly-Kennedy, Old Man 2, Policeman Ron, Groom Ted, The Mortician, FrankieCharacter Age30s,40s,50sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityMale
- FOUR – female adult plays: Mitzi Reid, Secret Rapture, Marion, Anna [pronounced Ahna] Dare, Dolores, Bride Alice, PFLAG mom/Mrs. Merry Bauxbaum, Mimi Winston StanleyCharacter Age30s,40s,50sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityFemale
- FIVE – male young adult plays: Trevor, Kyle Kelly-Kennedy, Perry, Spike, Style, Father Bobby, David Drummer/The Dreamer, Cam, Jimmy, John Winston Stanley/JohnnieCharacter Age20sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityMale
- SIX – female young adult plays: Keira Kelly-Kennedy, Hadley, Angela Ann McMahon, Pas de Chat, Pastor Rhonda Younger, Cammy, Court ReporterCharacter Age20sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityFemale
Development History
- Type Reading, Organization Feb 2012 Staged Reading CAST: DamianBuzzerio; MargaretCatov; ToddConner; NicGrelli; RoxannKramer; KellyRypkema, Year 2012
- Type Reading, Organization August 23,2011 FirstReading CAST: #1 Damian Buzzerio #2 Anna Cody #3 Jonn Jorgensen #4 Mary Sue Daniels #5 Michael Lewis #6 Kelly Rypkema / EdgarLeeMasters Birthday, Year 2011
- Type Reading, Organization 9/25/2011 SecondReading: CAST #1 David Palmer Brown #2 Margaret Catov #3 Robert Meksin #4 Roxann Kraemer #5 Jonn Jorgensen #6 Lily Ali-Oshatz , Year 2011
Production History
- Type University, Organization Warehouse of Theater, Norfolk, VA ODU director Katherine Hammond CAST= DariCaldwell, BrandyClark, KrystalGonzalez, LarryLewis, LeeSmith, TimSudduth TMS OBS Zoom May, Year 2021
- Type Workshop, Organization July 2012 ALL OUT ARTS FreshFruitFestival/TheWildProject NYC CAST: Denise DeMirjian*; Brian Linden*; Miles Phillips*; Laurie Strickland*; Chantal Thomson; Joshua Warr AEA* AWARDS: Outstanding Playwright & Ensemble Performance, Year 2012
- Outstanding Distinction in Playwriting= Patrick Thomas McCarthy ptmc; Outstanding Ensemble PerformanceALL OUT ARTS Fresh Fruit Festival2012