In the Serpent's Nest (formerly Queen of Sad Mischance)

by John Minigan

2022 Judith Royer Award for Excellence in Playwriting, ATHE/Kennedy Center

A play about academia, race, power and belonging.

Intense bi-racial college senior Kym thinks she’s lucked into the perfect resume-builder: a research assistantship helping white feminist scholar Beverly Norden finish her ground-breaking book on Shakespeare’s Queen Margaret before Alzheimer’s makes the task impossible. As Kym learns...

2022 Judith Royer Award for Excellence in Playwriting, ATHE/Kennedy Center

A play about academia, race, power and belonging.

Intense bi-racial college senior Kym thinks she’s lucked into the perfect resume-builder: a research assistantship helping white feminist scholar Beverly Norden finish her ground-breaking book on Shakespeare’s Queen Margaret before Alzheimer’s makes the task impossible. As Kym learns that more than Beverly’s failing memory stands in the way of both the book and the carefully-planned trajectory of her own future career, she has to use her own understanding of the Margaret story to find a new path forward.

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In the Serpent's Nest (formerly Queen of Sad Mischance)

Recommended by

  • Brigid Amos: In the Serpent's Nest (formerly Queen of Sad Mischance)

    I watched the the recent CreateTheater Monday Night Development Series rebroadcast of the TRU Voices Series reading of this gripping play. I found myself completely engrossed in Kym's ethical dilemmna as she struggled to choose between transparency leading to a potential roadblock and academic subterfuge leading either to great success or utter disaster. Minigan does an amazing job of showing us that in academia, as in Shakespeare's world, forming the right alliances and making the right decisions at the right time is everything.

    I watched the the recent CreateTheater Monday Night Development Series rebroadcast of the TRU Voices Series reading of this gripping play. I found myself completely engrossed in Kym's ethical dilemmna as she struggled to choose between transparency leading to a potential roadblock and academic subterfuge leading either to great success or utter disaster. Minigan does an amazing job of showing us that in academia, as in Shakespeare's world, forming the right alliances and making the right decisions at the right time is everything.

  • Suzanne Delle: In the Serpent's Nest (formerly Queen of Sad Mischance)

    A moving play that explores what happens when we feel like we don't belong. As someone who teaches at a college, I can say that Minigan got all the academic details just right without sacrificing the true relationship drama at the center of the story. Great characters that allow actors to explore complexity of relationship and feeling. Simple set and few characters make for ease of production.

    A moving play that explores what happens when we feel like we don't belong. As someone who teaches at a college, I can say that Minigan got all the academic details just right without sacrificing the true relationship drama at the center of the story. Great characters that allow actors to explore complexity of relationship and feeling. Simple set and few characters make for ease of production.

  • Paul Donnelly: In the Serpent's Nest (formerly Queen of Sad Mischance)

    One woman finds herself while another loses herself in this extraordinary and engrossing play. From its erudite exploration of academic ambition to its clear-eyed depiction of the cost and the fear of early onset Alzheimer's, the narrative never ceases to engage and to move beyond facile resolutions. I am in awe of the craft and the insight that inform every page.

    One woman finds herself while another loses herself in this extraordinary and engrossing play. From its erudite exploration of academic ambition to its clear-eyed depiction of the cost and the fear of early onset Alzheimer's, the narrative never ceases to engage and to move beyond facile resolutions. I am in awe of the craft and the insight that inform every page.

View all 35 recommendations

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization TRU -- Theatre Resources Unlimited, Year 2023
  • Type Workshop, Organization Portland Stage Company, Year 2019
  • Type Reading, Organization Great Plains Theatre Conference, Year 2019
  • Type Workshop, Organization Dayton Playhouse, Year 2018


  • Louise Wigglesworth Excellence in Playwriting Award
    The Laboratory Theater of Florida
  • Judith Royer Award for Excellence in Playwriting
    AHTE/Kennedy Center
  • New American Voices Festival
    The Landing Theatre Company
  • Gold Prize, Clauder Competition for New England Plays
    Portland Stage Company
  • Playwrights' Week
    The Lark
  • Pestalozzi Prize
    Firehouse Center for the Arts New Works Festival