Recommendations of A Fair Trade Agreement

  • Steven Strafford: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    This play moves at a frenetic clip, using comedy as a cover for the deep complications of North American relations. Stark visuals and truly funny discourse about Ray Romano sitcoms make for an entertaining read!

    This play moves at a frenetic clip, using comedy as a cover for the deep complications of North American relations. Stark visuals and truly funny discourse about Ray Romano sitcoms make for an entertaining read!

  • Cheryl Bear: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    A revealing play for our time at relations between those of two countries and what it means to be neighbors today. Well done.

    A revealing play for our time at relations between those of two countries and what it means to be neighbors today. Well done.

  • Matthew Paul Olmos: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    This play looks intelligently at the relations between the U.S. and Mexico, but does so in a way which brings into focus the ridiculous of what has become between countries. Cubria has a way of pulling you into a world where we find ourselves laughing, but then realize the political depth of what we just laughed at. "Neighbors" looks at what community could be.

    This play looks intelligently at the relations between the U.S. and Mexico, but does so in a way which brings into focus the ridiculous of what has become between countries. Cubria has a way of pulling you into a world where we find ourselves laughing, but then realize the political depth of what we just laughed at. "Neighbors" looks at what community could be.

  • Matt Barbot: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    A brilliant, funny, heartbreaking play that, unfortunately, seems to become more timely with each passing day.

    A brilliant, funny, heartbreaking play that, unfortunately, seems to become more timely with each passing day.

  • Kyle Therral Wilson: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    Bernardo has pulled off a tricky balancing act with this play. It's full of audacious satire and empathetic, relatable characters. It's urgent, serious, and seriously funny.

    Bernardo has pulled off a tricky balancing act with this play. It's full of audacious satire and empathetic, relatable characters. It's urgent, serious, and seriously funny.

  • Jacob Juntunen: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    This incredible use of clowns to address the complicated relationship between Mexico and the U.S. never gets bogged down in didactic words. Instead, slapstick comedy keeps the audience laughing, then thinking, then wondering if they should be laughing, then laughing some more. A huge success in the difficult genre of satire.

    This incredible use of clowns to address the complicated relationship between Mexico and the U.S. never gets bogged down in didactic words. Instead, slapstick comedy keeps the audience laughing, then thinking, then wondering if they should be laughing, then laughing some more. A huge success in the difficult genre of satire.

  • Jessica Moss: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    Funny and fast and angry....a wonderful clown show that digs deep into what it is to be a human alongside other humans. I can't wait to see it done.

    Funny and fast and angry....a wonderful clown show that digs deep into what it is to be a human alongside other humans. I can't wait to see it done.

  • Heather Helinsky: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    As a dramaturg for the Great Plains Theatre Conference (2017), I highly recommend this comedy. Two clowns, trying to "become friends" and start an "energy business"...we know this is not going to end well, but you'll have a good time laughing along the way.

    As a dramaturg for the Great Plains Theatre Conference (2017), I highly recommend this comedy. Two clowns, trying to "become friends" and start an "energy business"...we know this is not going to end well, but you'll have a good time laughing along the way.

  • Bixby Elliot: Neighbors: A Fair Trade Agreement

    One of the best plays I have ever read. I say this with no reservations; in one year everyone will be producing this play! Funny, intelligent and moving Neighbors is a rare play that can tackle big ideas and still be about real people...and it is super funny - did I mention that? It is super funny! Check this play out.

    One of the best plays I have ever read. I say this with no reservations; in one year everyone will be producing this play! Funny, intelligent and moving Neighbors is a rare play that can tackle big ideas and still be about real people...and it is super funny - did I mention that? It is super funny! Check this play out.