Recommendations of Washer/Dryer

  • Shelby Seeley: Washer/Dryer

    Such a fantastic read. I found myself flying through the pages and laughing out loud. A joyful farce.

    Such a fantastic read. I found myself flying through the pages and laughing out loud. A joyful farce.

  • Chima Chikazunga: Washer/Dryer

    Such a pleasure to revisit this romantic comedy again after a few years of seeing it in NYC. The humor and characters leap off the page, with themes that resonate with all. Shenoy’s pure gift of storytelling shines as we watch this story unfold. Can’t recommend this play enough…especially if you’re looking for stories featuring strong women of color … a pure joy, you won’t be disappointed

    Such a pleasure to revisit this romantic comedy again after a few years of seeing it in NYC. The humor and characters leap off the page, with themes that resonate with all. Shenoy’s pure gift of storytelling shines as we watch this story unfold. Can’t recommend this play enough…especially if you’re looking for stories featuring strong women of color … a pure joy, you won’t be disappointed

  • Jenny Mercein: Washer/Dryer

    I was lucky enough to see this show in Los Angeles and NYC. It is a brilliant and hilarious modern farce! I cannot recommend more highly!

    I was lucky enough to see this show in Los Angeles and NYC. It is a brilliant and hilarious modern farce! I cannot recommend more highly!

  • Cheryl Bear: Washer/Dryer

    A fabulous romantic comedy where a newly wedded couple come to all the complications you'd expect and New York real estate to boot. Well done!

    A fabulous romantic comedy where a newly wedded couple come to all the complications you'd expect and New York real estate to boot. Well done!

  • Kate Danley: Washer/Dryer

    I caught this show at Theatre Off-Jackson, produced by SIS Productions and Pratidhwani. It was so refreshing to see a romantic comedy filled with love and laughter. And then add to that the (sadly) too rare exploration of South Asian American and East Asian American relationships. There is a unique voice in this script that we have precious too little of. Something in the program notes that really struck home was how important it is, as an act of power, to present joy and comedy and this script delivers!

    I caught this show at Theatre Off-Jackson, produced by SIS Productions and Pratidhwani. It was so refreshing to see a romantic comedy filled with love and laughter. And then add to that the (sadly) too rare exploration of South Asian American and East Asian American relationships. There is a unique voice in this script that we have precious too little of. Something in the program notes that really struck home was how important it is, as an act of power, to present joy and comedy and this script delivers!

  • Eric Pfeffinger: Washer/Dryer

    There are few things as satisfying in a straight-up comedy as when lies and misunderstandings careen into a pile-up of hilarious proportions, and that's what happens in Washer/Dryer -- a knowing comedy with high stakes (real estate! laundry!) and a cast that looks like people you know in the world, not just people you see in the theater.

    There are few things as satisfying in a straight-up comedy as when lies and misunderstandings careen into a pile-up of hilarious proportions, and that's what happens in Washer/Dryer -- a knowing comedy with high stakes (real estate! laundry!) and a cast that looks like people you know in the world, not just people you see in the theater.