Recommendations of THE END OF BEAUTY

  • Cheryl Bear: THE END OF BEAUTY

    A powerful play that goes to the heart of a comfortable couple which brings up the way we pursue life as we get older. A lesson in living a mindful, deliberate life as best as we can. Well done.

    A powerful play that goes to the heart of a comfortable couple which brings up the way we pursue life as we get older. A lesson in living a mindful, deliberate life as best as we can. Well done.

  • Jennifer Maisel: THE END OF BEAUTY

    Artfully juxtaposing rich monologues with scenes that hit an emotional truth that tears at your heart, The End of Beauty is a compelling three-hander about art and life that theatres should be grabbing up. I love the way the playwright shows the longing within relationships when things just aren't what the partners want them to be and how we either move on - or don't. Worth the read - and production!!!

    Artfully juxtaposing rich monologues with scenes that hit an emotional truth that tears at your heart, The End of Beauty is a compelling three-hander about art and life that theatres should be grabbing up. I love the way the playwright shows the longing within relationships when things just aren't what the partners want them to be and how we either move on - or don't. Worth the read - and production!!!

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: THE END OF BEAUTY

    It's a play that goes through time, ask questions of art and the heart. It's tough to get through without tears welling up because of how heartrendingly real it is. There are plays that you read and feel that something deeply mysterious but true is being related to you. And that's really what this play is. It's true. It's true in its beauty, in its heartbreak, in the way we try to find happiness and, tragically fail. This play clings to the past and rushes to the future, while you're let here in the present, in wonderment.

    It's a play that goes through time, ask questions of art and the heart. It's tough to get through without tears welling up because of how heartrendingly real it is. There are plays that you read and feel that something deeply mysterious but true is being related to you. And that's really what this play is. It's true. It's true in its beauty, in its heartbreak, in the way we try to find happiness and, tragically fail. This play clings to the past and rushes to the future, while you're let here in the present, in wonderment.

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: THE END OF BEAUTY

    Sad play full of beauty. There are great roles for actors with moving scenes and monologue, and I was surprised how much I cared for each character. A well crafted play!

    Sad play full of beauty. There are great roles for actors with moving scenes and monologue, and I was surprised how much I cared for each character. A well crafted play!

  • Eugene O'Neill Theater Center: THE END OF BEAUTY

    It is the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center's pleasure to recommend Corey Hinkle and their play The End of Beauty as a finalist for our 2012 National Playwrights Conference. The play rose through a competitive, anonymous, multileveled selection process that took nearly nine months to execute. As one finalist out of hundreds of submissions, the strength of this play’s writing has allowed this work to prosper in such a competitive selection process.

    It is the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center's pleasure to recommend Corey Hinkle and their play The End of Beauty as a finalist for our 2012 National Playwrights Conference. The play rose through a competitive, anonymous, multileveled selection process that took nearly nine months to execute. As one finalist out of hundreds of submissions, the strength of this play’s writing has allowed this work to prosper in such a competitive selection process.