by Carolyn Kras

THE SUBJECT examines the contemporary global crisis of sexual assault cover-ups through dramatizing one of history’s most hushed-up rapes. Princess Sophia's dysfunctional royal family includes notoriously mad father King George III, drug-dependent mother Queen Charlotte, sex addict brother Ernest, and five eccentric sisters (a confident stutterer, an agorophobe, an artist, a bossy fashion plate, and an ardent...

THE SUBJECT examines the contemporary global crisis of sexual assault cover-ups through dramatizing one of history’s most hushed-up rapes. Princess Sophia's dysfunctional royal family includes notoriously mad father King George III, drug-dependent mother Queen Charlotte, sex addict brother Ernest, and five eccentric sisters (a confident stutterer, an agorophobe, an artist, a bossy fashion plate, and an ardent teen). When Sophia is raped and fights to bring the criminal to justice, her family seeks to mastermind a cover-up of the secret for fear of losing the throne. With its timely themes and strong roles for women, The Subject has been a popular new play with 21 readings (and counting). The Subject was commisisoned by the U.S.-U.K. Fulbright LUSK Award, had a United Nations Orange Day reading in London, and was developed in Antaeus Playwrights Lab. 7 W, 4-5 M.

The Subject reflects the ideas of #MeToo and #TimesUp.

The Subject Project (a global theatre movement to raise awareness of sexual assault issues):

Howl Round Article on The Subject Project:

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Recommended by

  • Cheryl Bear: THE SUBJECT

    A truly incredible piece of writing bringing to light the centuries old subject of rape, the first physical and the second mental. An assault of the mind, heart and soul when you are asked to remain silent by your own family. Beautifully done.

    A truly incredible piece of writing bringing to light the centuries old subject of rape, the first physical and the second mental. An assault of the mind, heart and soul when you are asked to remain silent by your own family. Beautifully done.

  • Mike Solomonson: THE SUBJECT

    I'm really intrigued by Carolyn Kras's play. The script's ability to blend historical figures with contemporary issues relating to sexual assault and harassment is very powerful and memorable. For the emotional weight the script contains, it also has some surprising use of humor which leavens the mood which could otherwise be very heavy. The sheer number of readings the script has received makes one feel it is definitely ready for a Theatre company to stage what I feel is a very worthy script.

    I'm really intrigued by Carolyn Kras's play. The script's ability to blend historical figures with contemporary issues relating to sexual assault and harassment is very powerful and memorable. For the emotional weight the script contains, it also has some surprising use of humor which leavens the mood which could otherwise be very heavy. The sheer number of readings the script has received makes one feel it is definitely ready for a Theatre company to stage what I feel is a very worthy script.

  • Sara Jean Accuardi: THE SUBJECT

    This beautiful and moving play enthralled me from start to finish. A history piece that feels extremely fresh and urgent.

    This beautiful and moving play enthralled me from start to finish. A history piece that feels extremely fresh and urgent.

View all 8 recommendations

Character Information

All roles are open to actors of all races and identities. Diverse casting encouraged. 7W and 4-5M. May add additional crowd roles if desired. Doctor role may double with Ernest. Great for a college, university, or large company of actors.
  • Thomas Garth
    Sophia's suitor. The king's equerry.
    Character Age
    55 but can be played much younger
  • Princess Sophia
    The independent-minded protagonist.
    Character Age
  • Doctor
    The royal physician. May double with the actor who plays Ernest.
    Character Age
  • Princess Charlotte
    The eldest sister. She has a stutter,
    but it never affects her confidence or authoritative manner.
    Character Age
  • Princess Augusta
    Painfully shy. She has agoraphobia.
    Character Age
  • Princess Elizabeth
    Character Age
  • Princess Mary
    A mother hen type and very fashionable.
    Character Age
  • Princess Amelia
    The youngest and ardent to a fault. The King's favorite child.
    Character Age
  • Prince George
    Character Age
  • Prince Ernest
    A younger brother who has returned from
    Character Age
  • King George III
    Experiences episodes of madness.
    Character Age
  • Queen Charlotte
    Depressed and addicted to laudanum.
    Character Age

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization Pacific Resident Theatre, Year 2019
  • Type Reading, Organization Theatre 40, Year 2018
  • Type Reading, Organization Antaeus Theatre Company, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization Cypress New Play Festival, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization Last Frontier Theatre Conference, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization Antaeus Academy, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization Weber State University, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization ReVamp Collective, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Wright State University, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Pride Films & Plays & Not In Our House, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Sell a Door Theatre Company & United Nations Orange Day, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization The Blank Theatre, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Blue Ash Theatre Company & Siberian Lights, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Artery Playwrights Project, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Brescia University & Theatre Workshop of Owensboro & Kentucky Wesleyan College, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Found Stages, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Nothing Special Productions, Year 2016


  • Ebell of Los Angeles Playwright Prize
  • Milken Playwriting Prize
  • Fulbright LUSK Award