Recommendations of All Our Yesterdays

  • Seth Rozin: All Our Yesterdays

    This is a powerful and moving two-hander with great roles for two young actresses. While the subject matter is far from light -- a portrait of two Nigerian sisters kidnapped by Boko Haram -- the play is also about hope, family, the value of education.

    This is a powerful and moving two-hander with great roles for two young actresses. While the subject matter is far from light -- a portrait of two Nigerian sisters kidnapped by Boko Haram -- the play is also about hope, family, the value of education.

  • David Hansen: All Our Yesterdays

    Written in the aftermath of the kidnapping of over 275 schoolgirls from Chibok, Nigeria, Hung creates a scenario of the missing, coping with abduction and rape. Moving from the present (six months after the kidnapping, in late 2014) to moments in the recent past, two sisters engage in rivalry based on the one’s attendance at a school, the other left at home. They are each sharp, desirous individuals, wanting advancement, education, a bigger future. It is tragic and aching to see and understand how great each could be, were it not for the violent evil of men. Highly recommended.

    Written in the aftermath of the kidnapping of over 275 schoolgirls from Chibok, Nigeria, Hung creates a scenario of the missing, coping with abduction and rape. Moving from the present (six months after the kidnapping, in late 2014) to moments in the recent past, two sisters engage in rivalry based on the one’s attendance at a school, the other left at home. They are each sharp, desirous individuals, wanting advancement, education, a bigger future. It is tragic and aching to see and understand how great each could be, were it not for the violent evil of men. Highly recommended.

  • Cheryl Bear: All Our Yesterdays

    An important and powerful play that sheds light on the epidemic of kidnapping, abuse and forced marriage on victims who were seeking a better life. Excellent work that needs to be seen everywhere.

    An important and powerful play that sheds light on the epidemic of kidnapping, abuse and forced marriage on victims who were seeking a better life. Excellent work that needs to be seen everywhere.

  • Shaun Leisher: All Our Yesterdays

    This is a really good play about a moment in history that was once all over social media but by so many has been forgotten. By using flashbacks, Hung shows that all these girls wanted was the ability to learn and never imagined it would lead to their kidnapping. A play that requires very little in terms of set but in the hands of 2 talented actors could be extremely transporting.

    This is a really good play about a moment in history that was once all over social media but by so many has been forgotten. By using flashbacks, Hung shows that all these girls wanted was the ability to learn and never imagined it would lead to their kidnapping. A play that requires very little in terms of set but in the hands of 2 talented actors could be extremely transporting.