by Patrick Thomas McCarthy ptmc

CUSTODY © 2017 By Patrick Thomas McCarthy ptmc In CUSTODY, a gay comedy of 1990s manners-lessness, three men, pursue one woman, and each other, for CUSTODY of their children, memories & photo albums. Covering Shannon’s 40th, 41st & 42nd birthdays in 1994, 1995, & 1996, CUSTODY features the issues & fashions of that era, including straight women who love gay men & the straight men who love them and try to be...

CUSTODY © 2017 By Patrick Thomas McCarthy ptmc In CUSTODY, a gay comedy of 1990s manners-lessness, three men, pursue one woman, and each other, for CUSTODY of their children, memories & photo albums. Covering Shannon’s 40th, 41st & 42nd birthdays in 1994, 1995, & 1996, CUSTODY features the issues & fashions of that era, including straight women who love gay men & the straight men who love them and try to be more like gay men to get women to love them back. CUSTODY is truly a sub-urban comedy set in a semi-tasteful apartment with four exits & one closet. By asking who’s going out & who’s coming in, CUSTODY pays tribute to rom-com-ishness, boulevard farce and even HandToGod, without the profanity. And in an effort to provide something for everyone, CUSTODY even includes America’s only child with Dutch Elm Disease.

Brendan: late 30's/early 40's, straight looking, an English teacher
Shannon: her 40th, 41st & 42nd birthdays, an English teacher
Peter: dull, dependable, straight, 40's
Ted: 20's/30’s/40's, he keeps his promises, Brendan’s too understanding boyfriend

Scene A comfortable apartment furnished semi-tastefully with three exits & one closet. All action takes place on the single set. Timeframe 1994 to 1996.

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Character Information

  • Brendan: late 30's/early 40's, straight looking, an English teacher
    Brendan: late 30's/early 40's, straight looking, an English teacher
    Character Age
    late 30's/early 40's
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Shannon: her 40th, 41st & 42nd birthdays, an English teacher
    Shannon: her 40th, 41st & 42nd birthdays, an English teacher
    Character Age
    her 40th, 41st & 42nd birthdays
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Peter: dull, dependable, straight, tech exec, 40's
    Peter: dull, dependable, straight, 40's
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Ted: 20's/30’s/40's, he keeps his promises, Brendan’s too understanding boyfriend
    Ted: 20's/30’s/40's, he keeps his promises, Brendan’s too understanding boyfriend
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization TAI The Actors Institute 150 W. 30th St [14th Floor] NYC With SamDurantHunter as Brendan; AnnePasquale as Shannon; KeithHerron as Peter; GregPragel as Ted Jan 15th, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization TAI The Actors Institute 150 W. 30th St [14th Floor] NYC With MickBleyer as Brendan; AnnePasquale as Shannon; KeithHerron as Peter; DrewBolander as Ted March 5th, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization Chicago Dramatists Workshop, Chicago, IL CUSTODY staged & directed by Eric Simonson with Lydia Rawlings & Layne Beamer Act One only, Year 1985

Production History

  • Type Workshop, Organization AEA Festival Showcase, ALL OUT ARTS Fresh Fruit Festival at The Wild Project NYC; July 2017; Directed by Patrick Aran with *AnnePasquale as Shannon; *Keith Herron as Peter; Sam Durant Hunter as Brendan; *Drew Bolander as Ted *AEA, Year 2017