Recommendations of Crooked Parts

  • Jasmine Brooks: Crooked Parts

    This play does an excellent job of capturing the joy, pain and nuance of a family dynamic. What a lovely treat it is to experience the unique experience of Freddy/Winifred that is often not represented in the American Theatre. The words are poignant, the story is necessary and the use of of time is impactful.

    This play does an excellent job of capturing the joy, pain and nuance of a family dynamic. What a lovely treat it is to experience the unique experience of Freddy/Winifred that is often not represented in the American Theatre. The words are poignant, the story is necessary and the use of of time is impactful.

  • Audrey Lang: Crooked Parts

    Crooked Parts is a thought-provoking piece about family, and how to become who you are or will be within your family -- something that is often incredibly challenging. I love the way this play tackles the things we don't, can't, say to the people we love most; watching how Freddy's and Winifred's relationship with Angela changes over the years makes my heart ache for both mother and child.

    Crooked Parts is a thought-provoking piece about family, and how to become who you are or will be within your family -- something that is often incredibly challenging. I love the way this play tackles the things we don't, can't, say to the people we love most; watching how Freddy's and Winifred's relationship with Angela changes over the years makes my heart ache for both mother and child.

  • kaitlyn crockett: Crooked Parts

    This play is absolutely heartwarming, hilarious, and breathtaking all at once. I saw the reading by Free Soil earlier this year and cannot stop thinking about these characters and how they grow both individually and together as a family. It's absolutely magical and brilliantly written. Please please please produce this play. (Also the music? Is everything.)

    This play is absolutely heartwarming, hilarious, and breathtaking all at once. I saw the reading by Free Soil earlier this year and cannot stop thinking about these characters and how they grow both individually and together as a family. It's absolutely magical and brilliantly written. Please please please produce this play. (Also the music? Is everything.)

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Crooked Parts

    My heart swells for this family. This is such a beautifully framed story of family and and struggles. It's so relatable to see how some characters are so fearful and scarred by change while others need it so desperately and that disparity is what makes them hurt each other, but never from a lack of love. I would love to see this as a film, it would be magic.

    My heart swells for this family. This is such a beautifully framed story of family and and struggles. It's so relatable to see how some characters are so fearful and scarred by change while others need it so desperately and that disparity is what makes them hurt each other, but never from a lack of love. I would love to see this as a film, it would be magic.

  • Nelle Tankus: Crooked Parts

    An honest and intimate peek into Freddy/Winifred's relationships, familial and otherwise. Tra(n)sversing the play's web of grief/healing/drama/humor, Azure's writing deftly weaves science fiction and naturalism together with grace and guts. I fell in love with every character in this play, which is a testament to Azure's brilliance as both a playwright and person. Producers: put this show up immediately and give Azure your money.

    An honest and intimate peek into Freddy/Winifred's relationships, familial and otherwise. Tra(n)sversing the play's web of grief/healing/drama/humor, Azure's writing deftly weaves science fiction and naturalism together with grace and guts. I fell in love with every character in this play, which is a testament to Azure's brilliance as both a playwright and person. Producers: put this show up immediately and give Azure your money.

  • Kevin R. Free: Crooked Parts

    This play gives me all the feels. The middle-class black family in this play struggles with grief, anger, and money, and we always feel the love between them. As their world crumbles around them, we get a glimpse of the new world that will replace it. It is only heartbreaking because we want this family to succeed SO MUCH.

    This play gives me all the feels. The middle-class black family in this play struggles with grief, anger, and money, and we always feel the love between them. As their world crumbles around them, we get a glimpse of the new world that will replace it. It is only heartbreaking because we want this family to succeed SO MUCH.

  • Jennifer Kranz: Crooked Parts

    This is a fabulously heartbreaking, relevant, family drama but also a story about the necessity of revealing who we really are. A must produce!

    This is a fabulously heartbreaking, relevant, family drama but also a story about the necessity of revealing who we really are. A must produce!

  • Gina Femia: Crooked Parts

    A stunning family drama that broke my heart and pieced it back together again. Necessary, wonderful and funny, I cannot wait to see this play produced far and wide.

    A stunning family drama that broke my heart and pieced it back together again. Necessary, wonderful and funny, I cannot wait to see this play produced far and wide.

  • Migdalia Cruz: Crooked Parts

    In Azure Osborne-Lee's moving and provocative tragicomedy, a young girl meets her young man self and finds hope in the becoming of who they really are. Azure reveals the joy and the pain of being oneself in the challenging place that home can be. Crooked Parts shows a world that is unique, honest and necessary.
    This play should be required reading for anyone interested in a new kind of coming-of-age story that is told through a modern and heartfelt lens.

    In Azure Osborne-Lee's moving and provocative tragicomedy, a young girl meets her young man self and finds hope in the becoming of who they really are. Azure reveals the joy and the pain of being oneself in the challenging place that home can be. Crooked Parts shows a world that is unique, honest and necessary.
    This play should be required reading for anyone interested in a new kind of coming-of-age story that is told through a modern and heartfelt lens.

  • Aurin Squire: Crooked Parts

    A complex, captivating, and inspiring dramedy. It is deeply personal but also politically profound. There are so many levels and tones and layers in these scenes, yet Azure finds a way to weave it all together in this wonderful tapestry of a script.

    A complex, captivating, and inspiring dramedy. It is deeply personal but also politically profound. There are so many levels and tones and layers in these scenes, yet Azure finds a way to weave it all together in this wonderful tapestry of a script.