Recommendations of The Pleasure Trials

  • Cheryl Bear: The Pleasure Trials

    Terrific insight into the multitude of things that block a woman from sexual satisfaction and the reasons she would be willing to be put under the experiment. Well done!

    Terrific insight into the multitude of things that block a woman from sexual satisfaction and the reasons she would be willing to be put under the experiment. Well done!

  • Unicorn Theatre: The Pleasure Trials

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2019-2020 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support THE PLEASURE TRIALS.

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2019-2020 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support THE PLEASURE TRIALS.

  • Sheila Cowley: The Pleasure Trials

    Provocative and profound questions about women’s sexual desire and how it’s derailed by busy lives, self-image and fear of failure. Just three characters and all great roles for women - two conflicting scientists and one woman who plays everybody else. Creative ways of showing scientific work with visuals and sound, and a look at the ethics of new drug development. The most moving part is an honest range of women’s experiences with sex, ranging from boredom to hints of desire, to guiltily trying to please their partners, fearful disappointment and glorious, transporting joy. Bold and wonderful...

    Provocative and profound questions about women’s sexual desire and how it’s derailed by busy lives, self-image and fear of failure. Just three characters and all great roles for women - two conflicting scientists and one woman who plays everybody else. Creative ways of showing scientific work with visuals and sound, and a look at the ethics of new drug development. The most moving part is an honest range of women’s experiences with sex, ranging from boredom to hints of desire, to guiltily trying to please their partners, fearful disappointment and glorious, transporting joy. Bold and wonderful.

  • Jess Hutchinson: The Pleasure Trials

    Sarah's insightful look at what it means to be an ambitious woman reckoning with desire and success is simultaneously hilarious and full of all too rare honesty about the feminine experience. The conversations it generates around the rehearsal room table and in audience response are important, especially now, and vital for our field to consider.

    Sarah's insightful look at what it means to be an ambitious woman reckoning with desire and success is simultaneously hilarious and full of all too rare honesty about the feminine experience. The conversations it generates around the rehearsal room table and in audience response are important, especially now, and vital for our field to consider.