Recommendations of The New Client (Ten Minute)

  • Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    This short play presents us with a justice scale of right vs. right. Not only does Donnelly give us a compelling argument for both sides, they make it difficult to choose. A piece of theatre that will spark a smoldering after burn. That time after the performance when the audience will debate the complexities of the situation. No easy answers here. Two well-written, distinct characters in this fast moving script. Well done.

    This short play presents us with a justice scale of right vs. right. Not only does Donnelly give us a compelling argument for both sides, they make it difficult to choose. A piece of theatre that will spark a smoldering after burn. That time after the performance when the audience will debate the complexities of the situation. No easy answers here. Two well-written, distinct characters in this fast moving script. Well done.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    Wow! This play is so powerful and so smart and so...conflicting! I agree with both characters, but Margaret has such a powerful case when she said "I'm exploring the possibility that they may have the legal right to be wrong." That line exploded in my brain! I think this could be a powerful show in a 10 minute festival, but I bet this would blow the walls off of theatres explored as a full length as well. Very brilliant play!

    Wow! This play is so powerful and so smart and so...conflicting! I agree with both characters, but Margaret has such a powerful case when she said "I'm exploring the possibility that they may have the legal right to be wrong." That line exploded in my brain! I think this could be a powerful show in a 10 minute festival, but I bet this would blow the walls off of theatres explored as a full length as well. Very brilliant play!

  • Charles Scott Jones: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    The argument in THE NEW CLIENT is so meticulously and poignantly composed. Paul Donnelly does an admirable job making both sides of the classic Duty vs Love conflict credible, sympathetic, and contemporary. As much as any play you will ever read, this one will have you wondering what the future will hold for its characters. Every time I think I have a handle on how I feel about this issue I think about it some more. And I'm not so sure. So if our goal as dramatists is to encourage a more thoughtful society, this is a cornerstone.

    The argument in THE NEW CLIENT is so meticulously and poignantly composed. Paul Donnelly does an admirable job making both sides of the classic Duty vs Love conflict credible, sympathetic, and contemporary. As much as any play you will ever read, this one will have you wondering what the future will hold for its characters. Every time I think I have a handle on how I feel about this issue I think about it some more. And I'm not so sure. So if our goal as dramatists is to encourage a more thoughtful society, this is a cornerstone.

  • Debra A. Cole: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    Is it okay to agree with both of these characters as they navigate this new client? This short piece by PAUL DONNELLY will have audiences debating all he way home. Wonderful.

    Is it okay to agree with both of these characters as they navigate this new client? This short piece by PAUL DONNELLY will have audiences debating all he way home. Wonderful.

  • Peter Dakutis: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    One of the hallmarks of the US legal system is that everyone is entitled to a vigorous legal defense. But what if you're a lesbian lawyer defending a homophobic couple and your wife doesn't approve of your taking the case? This is an excellent example of a "problem play": it's even-handed and thought-provoking, while engaging and satisfying as a piece of theatre. Donnelly does a great job of giving us a lot to contemplate.

    One of the hallmarks of the US legal system is that everyone is entitled to a vigorous legal defense. But what if you're a lesbian lawyer defending a homophobic couple and your wife doesn't approve of your taking the case? This is an excellent example of a "problem play": it's even-handed and thought-provoking, while engaging and satisfying as a piece of theatre. Donnelly does a great job of giving us a lot to contemplate.

  • Abigail Pinnow: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    This play is a conversation started and a complex exploration of current issues. By approaching a seemingly black-and-white issue with empathy for both Lee-Ann's and Margaret's opinions, Donnelly is able to show that the issue is not as simple as it may appear to be and that two people who agree that an action is wrong may not be able to agree on a response to it.

    This play is a conversation started and a complex exploration of current issues. By approaching a seemingly black-and-white issue with empathy for both Lee-Ann's and Margaret's opinions, Donnelly is able to show that the issue is not as simple as it may appear to be and that two people who agree that an action is wrong may not be able to agree on a response to it.

  • Cherielyn Ferguson: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    This tightly-written play shines a light on an important question: can an attorney effectively represent a client she believes to be in the wrong? Margaret’s wife Lee-Ann can’t believe Margaret’s even considering taking on a client who refused to bake a birthday cake for a lesbian couple’s son. I was left in suspense at the end: what will Lee-Ann decide to do now that Margaret’s confirmed her intention to take on the case? The New Client deserves a continuance so we can hear the verdict.

    This tightly-written play shines a light on an important question: can an attorney effectively represent a client she believes to be in the wrong? Margaret’s wife Lee-Ann can’t believe Margaret’s even considering taking on a client who refused to bake a birthday cake for a lesbian couple’s son. I was left in suspense at the end: what will Lee-Ann decide to do now that Margaret’s confirmed her intention to take on the case? The New Client deserves a continuance so we can hear the verdict.

  • Marj O'Neill-Butler: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    There are decisions in life that are hard and Margaret has made one much to the dismay of her wife. This short play is very interesting as the viewer can see both sides of the characters disagreement. The question is, will it destroy their marriage? Much to discuss after a performance of this play.

    There are decisions in life that are hard and Margaret has made one much to the dismay of her wife. This short play is very interesting as the viewer can see both sides of the characters disagreement. The question is, will it destroy their marriage? Much to discuss after a performance of this play.

  • Jacob Horowitz: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    "The New Client" is the type of play that draws you in in the first few minutes. Donnelly showcases two extremely intelligent, relatable characters. Just when it seemed to me that Lee-Ann was right and that there was no way Margaret had a point, it's revealed that Margaret is planning ahead. But it's not the cleverness of the plot that makes the show sing, but the chemistry of these two women whose relationship is dissolving as we watch. This would be a brilliant play to see preformed live and to discuss after.

    "The New Client" is the type of play that draws you in in the first few minutes. Donnelly showcases two extremely intelligent, relatable characters. Just when it seemed to me that Lee-Ann was right and that there was no way Margaret had a point, it's revealed that Margaret is planning ahead. But it's not the cleverness of the plot that makes the show sing, but the chemistry of these two women whose relationship is dissolving as we watch. This would be a brilliant play to see preformed live and to discuss after.

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: The New Client (Ten Minute)

    The writer does a great job of drawing you in the first page to desperation of wanting to know who the client is. From there you are drawn into a fascinating debate between personal and professional beliefs. The characters both stand perfectly behind their beliefs on the situation to the point where you are not sure who you want to decide with. Then to give it the ending he does, the audiences will be debating this play when they are at home...the following day, Its a great piece that inspires, intrigues and will encourage discussion.

    The writer does a great job of drawing you in the first page to desperation of wanting to know who the client is. From there you are drawn into a fascinating debate between personal and professional beliefs. The characters both stand perfectly behind their beliefs on the situation to the point where you are not sure who you want to decide with. Then to give it the ending he does, the audiences will be debating this play when they are at home...the following day, Its a great piece that inspires, intrigues and will encourage discussion.