Recommendations of FIXED

  • Cheryl Bear: FIXED

    A powerful and moving story about friendship and mental health that will stay with you. Well done.

    A powerful and moving story about friendship and mental health that will stay with you. Well done.

  • Ignition Arts: FIXED

    A well-crafted four hander navigating the landmines of mental illness and friendship - the pacts we make before the world ruins us, the mistakes that follow when the world does, and the promise of healing once we build our own worlds. Dynamic time-lapsing story, based on true accounts.

    A well-crafted four hander navigating the landmines of mental illness and friendship - the pacts we make before the world ruins us, the mistakes that follow when the world does, and the promise of healing once we build our own worlds. Dynamic time-lapsing story, based on true accounts.

  • Ian August: FIXED

    Mr. White's play FIXED is a dramatic departure from his previous work--it is far more intentional than his family comedy BLOOD, or his mysterious satire SLIPPERY AS SIN. FIXED accomplishes two things expertly--it is entertaining and engaging in the way only Mr. White can be, but it is also informative and stimulating. The character of Ronnie, who suffers from schitzoaffective disorder, is gorgeously realized--terrifying, pitiful, strong, romantic--she is probably one of the most fully realized characters in Mr. White's impressive canon.

    Mr. White's play FIXED is a dramatic departure from his previous work--it is far more intentional than his family comedy BLOOD, or his mysterious satire SLIPPERY AS SIN. FIXED accomplishes two things expertly--it is entertaining and engaging in the way only Mr. White can be, but it is also informative and stimulating. The character of Ronnie, who suffers from schitzoaffective disorder, is gorgeously realized--terrifying, pitiful, strong, romantic--she is probably one of the most fully realized characters in Mr. White's impressive canon.

  • James Christy: FIXED

    FIXED is an incredibly important play that I think could truly change lives. Its production at Passage Theatre in May 2017 showed the power that live theatre has in capturing real life and creating empathy for audiences. The characters are real, funny, frustrating and eminently relateable. The evening I went the audience talkback had people opening up about issues in their own lives, including one woman speaking openly about her mental illness for the first time in front of neighbors and friends. This happened because the characters are so rich and alive.

    FIXED is an incredibly important play that I think could truly change lives. Its production at Passage Theatre in May 2017 showed the power that live theatre has in capturing real life and creating empathy for audiences. The characters are real, funny, frustrating and eminently relateable. The evening I went the audience talkback had people opening up about issues in their own lives, including one woman speaking openly about her mental illness for the first time in front of neighbors and friends. This happened because the characters are so rich and alive.

  • Michele Aldin Kushner: FIXED

    This is a powerful play about mental illness - an emotional topic that David explores starkly. I just saw FIXED at Passage and the post show talkback grew heated as audience members explained how no one ever talks about what they just saw on stage but most everyone is - or has been touched by it. FIXED has wonderful characters and story told with humor and grace.

    This is a powerful play about mental illness - an emotional topic that David explores starkly. I just saw FIXED at Passage and the post show talkback grew heated as audience members explained how no one ever talks about what they just saw on stage but most everyone is - or has been touched by it. FIXED has wonderful characters and story told with humor and grace.