Recommendations of Pussy Sludge

  • Kristin Renn Parker: Pussy Sludge

    This play is what theatre and the world need right now. Raw. Hilarious. Disturbing. Strangely hopeful. Read it now!

    This play is what theatre and the world need right now. Raw. Hilarious. Disturbing. Strangely hopeful. Read it now!

  • Gina Femia: Pussy Sludge

    Raw, funny and relentlessly truthful, this play is necessary theatre not only for the honesty it shares about being a woman, but also for the catharsis it brings.

    Raw, funny and relentlessly truthful, this play is necessary theatre not only for the honesty it shares about being a woman, but also for the catharsis it brings.

  • Asher Wyndham: Pussy Sludge

    This play. This play will leave a sludge-smudge on your sub-conscious. An electric shock to your system just like the electric shock the titular character experiences in the swamp land setting. You'll get that shock several times in the reading This play makes 99.99% of plays safe and conservative in comparison. It's a difficult challenge - and that is a good thing - for all designers. You may have never encountered such an evocative, twisted, erotic, disturbing, provoking, poignant play like this before. Check it out now.

    This play. This play will leave a sludge-smudge on your sub-conscious. An electric shock to your system just like the electric shock the titular character experiences in the swamp land setting. You'll get that shock several times in the reading This play makes 99.99% of plays safe and conservative in comparison. It's a difficult challenge - and that is a good thing - for all designers. You may have never encountered such an evocative, twisted, erotic, disturbing, provoking, poignant play like this before. Check it out now.

  • Percival Hornak: Pussy Sludge

    Has massive potential to be visually stunning (lighting, scenic elements, costumes), to represent the parts of women's lives that we're told to keep hidden, and to start important conversations about the way we treat each other and our environment. Filled with love and heart, this play is a perfect example of what I think theatre should be.

    Has massive potential to be visually stunning (lighting, scenic elements, costumes), to represent the parts of women's lives that we're told to keep hidden, and to start important conversations about the way we treat each other and our environment. Filled with love and heart, this play is a perfect example of what I think theatre should be.

  • Jordan Elizabeth Henry: Pussy Sludge

    PUSSY SLUDGE is exactly the kind of theatre I love to see: it's uncomfortable, it's thought-provoking, and it's a hilarious, heartbreaking indictment of our culture. The world of this play is -so weird- in the very best way -- full of imagination, brilliant characterization, and tremendous love. This is the kind of play that makes me wish I was a set/lighting designer -- because designing this production would be extraordinary and sensational and fun as hell. Extremely exciting roles for women in this play.

    PUSSY SLUDGE is exactly the kind of theatre I love to see: it's uncomfortable, it's thought-provoking, and it's a hilarious, heartbreaking indictment of our culture. The world of this play is -so weird- in the very best way -- full of imagination, brilliant characterization, and tremendous love. This is the kind of play that makes me wish I was a set/lighting designer -- because designing this production would be extraordinary and sensational and fun as hell. Extremely exciting roles for women in this play.

  • Rachael Carnes: Pussy Sludge

    OMG — LOVE. This play raises the bar! Storytelling for now — Sensing and responding to the absurdity of *this* moment. Gardner captures it all with tremendous humor and insight. Look just below the ribald surface and find the kind of commentary that will likely define this era, theatrically. Gardner is reshaping the genre. 2017 winner of the American Playwrights Foundation Relentless Award. Is the titular character 'Pussy Sludge' Relentless? I think she's my soul sister. Viva Pussy Sludge, and big ups to Ms. Gardner!

    OMG — LOVE. This play raises the bar! Storytelling for now — Sensing and responding to the absurdity of *this* moment. Gardner captures it all with tremendous humor and insight. Look just below the ribald surface and find the kind of commentary that will likely define this era, theatrically. Gardner is reshaping the genre. 2017 winner of the American Playwrights Foundation Relentless Award. Is the titular character 'Pussy Sludge' Relentless? I think she's my soul sister. Viva Pussy Sludge, and big ups to Ms. Gardner!

  • Shaun Leisher: Pussy Sludge

    This play fully displays a necessary voice in today's theatre. Hysterical and heartbreaking that would be a dream come true for creative actors, directors and designers.

    This play fully displays a necessary voice in today's theatre. Hysterical and heartbreaking that would be a dream come true for creative actors, directors and designers.