Recommendations of The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

  • Vidalia Unwin: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    This play feels like you’re catching up with an old friend for the entire time you’re with it. There’s a universal warmth in its tone. Rich with engaging characters and deep with familial themes. Certainly worth a read, and if there was any Justice in the universe it would be a great play to watch as well.

    This play feels like you’re catching up with an old friend for the entire time you’re with it. There’s a universal warmth in its tone. Rich with engaging characters and deep with familial themes. Certainly worth a read, and if there was any Justice in the universe it would be a great play to watch as well.

  • Cheryl Bear: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    A beautiful, moving play of understanding identity and the history that shapes these women. Well done.

    A beautiful, moving play of understanding identity and the history that shapes these women. Well done.

  • Troels Kjær: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    A beautiful play. Like a good book I felt compelled to read it again. A rich story about identity, race, gender and history. The play is filled with fantastic dialogue, well defined characters and moments of truth and tenderness that resonate on an emotional level.

    A beautiful play. Like a good book I felt compelled to read it again. A rich story about identity, race, gender and history. The play is filled with fantastic dialogue, well defined characters and moments of truth and tenderness that resonate on an emotional level.

  • Dave Osmundsen: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    A warm, heartfelt, and time-bending journey into the past for an African American woman who is coming to terms with her history, both familial and social. The play builds up to a surprising and moving conclusion that leaves the audience thinking about how we look at the present as well as the past. Also provides juicy roles for African American actresses.

    A warm, heartfelt, and time-bending journey into the past for an African American woman who is coming to terms with her history, both familial and social. The play builds up to a surprising and moving conclusion that leaves the audience thinking about how we look at the present as well as the past. Also provides juicy roles for African American actresses.

  • Jessie Salsbury: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    I have had the wonderful privilege to see this great work through workshop (OCTA) and now in full production (KCMPT) - both in the Kansas City market. There is not a play like it - historical, funny, poignant - Beautiful hints of Wizard of Oz woven into a history lesson. Michelle Tyrene Johnson puts her heart into her work, and her women in this play are absolutely incandescent. All theatres should add this one to their season.

    I have had the wonderful privilege to see this great work through workshop (OCTA) and now in full production (KCMPT) - both in the Kansas City market. There is not a play like it - historical, funny, poignant - Beautiful hints of Wizard of Oz woven into a history lesson. Michelle Tyrene Johnson puts her heart into her work, and her women in this play are absolutely incandescent. All theatres should add this one to their season.

  • George Sapio: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    What a remarkable work. Full of passion, compassion, heart, and faultless truth. And more than its share of wicked lines. I would love to see this onstage.

    What a remarkable work. Full of passion, compassion, heart, and faultless truth. And more than its share of wicked lines. I would love to see this onstage.

  • Emily Hageman: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    Gorgeous play. It wouldn't do this show justice to simply call it a modern adaptation of "The Wizard of Oz" (though there are beautiful corollaries). This is a marvelous play, a mystical story about a very real woman thrown into a very unreal circumstance. The story is liquid and effortless, the characters are memorable and striking, and Johnson holds the heart of this play so carefully in the palm of her hand. Is life really better now than it was then? Johnson gives us an important reminder that life is beautiful wherever there is love. Highly recommended.

    Gorgeous play. It wouldn't do this show justice to simply call it a modern adaptation of "The Wizard of Oz" (though there are beautiful corollaries). This is a marvelous play, a mystical story about a very real woman thrown into a very unreal circumstance. The story is liquid and effortless, the characters are memorable and striking, and Johnson holds the heart of this play so carefully in the palm of her hand. Is life really better now than it was then? Johnson gives us an important reminder that life is beautiful wherever there is love. Highly recommended.

  • Kitchen Dog Theater: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

  • Claudia Haas: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    This needs to be a trilogy. I was left wanting more - a whole lot more. This exploration of relationships (Johnson covers every type of relationship known to humanity) was beautiful and always surprising. The time travel was seamlessly interwoven as plots and subplots took root and blossomed. The care put into the two time periods took away any assumptions I had (as with Marie). The dialogue crackles, the characters envelop you and the pace is swift and sure. I so want to see this onstage. (Please, Twin Cities.)

    This needs to be a trilogy. I was left wanting more - a whole lot more. This exploration of relationships (Johnson covers every type of relationship known to humanity) was beautiful and always surprising. The time travel was seamlessly interwoven as plots and subplots took root and blossomed. The care put into the two time periods took away any assumptions I had (as with Marie). The dialogue crackles, the characters envelop you and the pace is swift and sure. I so want to see this onstage. (Please, Twin Cities.)

  • Unicorn Theatre: The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip

    This play was a SEMIFINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support THE GREEN BOOK WINE CLUB TRAIN TRIP.

    This play was a SEMIFINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support THE GREEN BOOK WINE CLUB TRAIN TRIP.