
by Jacqueline Goldfinger

“Babel” is a dark comedy set in the near future. Two couples are having trouble getting pregnant and the lengths they go to in order to have a baby raises the specter of eugenics, explores the societal value of a baby, and asks us what we are willing to risk for love. If you like Booker’s “Black Mirror,” Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go,” or Haley’s “The Nether,” then this play is for you. It requires four characters...

“Babel” is a dark comedy set in the near future. Two couples are having trouble getting pregnant and the lengths they go to in order to have a baby raises the specter of eugenics, explores the societal value of a baby, and asks us what we are willing to risk for love. If you like Booker’s “Black Mirror,” Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go,” or Haley’s “The Nether,” then this play is for you. It requires four characters (3F,1M) and a flexile set.

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  • Sophie McIntosh: Babel

    Darkly comedic feminist sci-fi theatre is all I could ever ask for, and this play delivers so exquisitely. It's such a joy to explore passionate, intense female characters who are allowed to go to such extreme lengths.

    Darkly comedic feminist sci-fi theatre is all I could ever ask for, and this play delivers so exquisitely. It's such a joy to explore passionate, intense female characters who are allowed to go to such extreme lengths.

  • Kyle Smith: Babel

    I saw this play at CATF in West Virginia, and am so happy I did. This play addressed questions that have persistently been in the mind of the disabled community with humor, tenderness and hope. Well done.

    I saw this play at CATF in West Virginia, and am so happy I did. This play addressed questions that have persistently been in the mind of the disabled community with humor, tenderness and hope. Well done.

  • Emma S. Rund: Babel

    I'm not usually a fan of science fiction or dystopian plays, but Babel achieved a level of realism that many science-fiction plays lack. The poetic language delivered just enough information for me to understand the world without overdoing the exposition. Very thought-provoking and reminiscent of a Black Mirror episode.

    I'm not usually a fan of science fiction or dystopian plays, but Babel achieved a level of realism that many science-fiction plays lack. The poetic language delivered just enough information for me to understand the world without overdoing the exposition. Very thought-provoking and reminiscent of a Black Mirror episode.

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Development History

Production History

  • Type Professional, Organization Redtwist Theatre, Year 2023
  • Type University, Organization Carnegie Mellon University, Year 2023
  • Type Professional, Organization Contemporary American Theatre Festival, Year 2022
  • Type Professional, Organization The Constructivists , Year 2022
  • Type Professional, Organization Passage Theatre, Year 2021
  • Type Professional, Organization Scoundrel and Scamp Theatre, Year 2021


  • Independence Foundation Fellowship in the Arts
  • The Kilroy's List
  • Nominee
    Blackburn Prize
  • Generations New Play Award
    Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
  • Smith Prize for Political Theatre