The Loophole

by Stacey Isom Campbell

Darlene and Charlene, twin sisters from South Carolina, steal 20.5-million dollars from the Department of Defense through a loophole. What begins as an accident turns into a 7-year fraud that these middle-aged Baptist women justify. David,Darlene’s husband, takes the audience on this journey to understand why she
committed this crime but comes away with an unexpected revelation. While The Loophole (formerly...

Darlene and Charlene, twin sisters from South Carolina, steal 20.5-million dollars from the Department of Defense through a loophole. What begins as an accident turns into a 7-year fraud that these middle-aged Baptist women justify. David,Darlene’s husband, takes the audience on this journey to understand why she
committed this crime but comes away with an unexpected revelation. While The Loophole (formerly titled Wounds & Honey) is a cautionary story about greed, it is also about grief and the surprising journeys of a wounded heart.

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The Loophole

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  • Lesley Scammell: The Loophole

    I saw Wounds and Honey at the Great Plains Theatre Festival and love the way it tackles a terrible situation with humour and without condescension, not an easy task. Grief can lead us to strange and extreme things and Stacy manages to make the actions of these characters completely believable. There is something very generous and kind about the way she portrays the human experience.

    I saw Wounds and Honey at the Great Plains Theatre Festival and love the way it tackles a terrible situation with humour and without condescension, not an easy task. Grief can lead us to strange and extreme things and Stacy manages to make the actions of these characters completely believable. There is something very generous and kind about the way she portrays the human experience.

  • Jordan Elizabeth Henry: The Loophole

    Aching and heartbreaking, full of beauty and truth: THE LOOPHOLE asks how much grief the human heart can bear before it transforms, for good or ill. Melding music, magic, poetry, and high stakes, Isom-Campbell's play is exciting theatre.

    Aching and heartbreaking, full of beauty and truth: THE LOOPHOLE asks how much grief the human heart can bear before it transforms, for good or ill. Melding music, magic, poetry, and high stakes, Isom-Campbell's play is exciting theatre.

  • Jordan Flores Schwartz: The Loophole

    Wounds & Honey is an incredibly rich and engaging script, exploring relationships and morality from several vantage points. These larger ideas are propelled by the poetic details of this family's story, with everything neatly connected. Isom Campbell's crystal clear writing and powerful visuals made this script an absolute joy to read and every scene absolutely jumped off the page. There is something in this script for everyone!

    Wounds & Honey is an incredibly rich and engaging script, exploring relationships and morality from several vantage points. These larger ideas are propelled by the poetic details of this family's story, with everything neatly connected. Isom Campbell's crystal clear writing and powerful visuals made this script an absolute joy to read and every scene absolutely jumped off the page. There is something in this script for everyone!

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Development History

  • Type Workshop, Organization Barter Theatre, developmental mini-production, under the title Dough & Cookies, Year 2018
  • Type Reading, Organization The Barter Theatre's Festival of Appalachian Plays & Playwrights, Year 2017
  • Type Reading, Organization Great Plains Theatre Conference, Year 2017
  • Type Workshop, Organization Third Course: Theatre, Austin, Year 2016
  • Type Reading, Organization Third Course: Theatre, Austin, Year 2014

Production History

  • Type Professional, Organization Barter Theatre, Year 2019


  • The O’Neill Center’s National Playwrights Conference