
by Deborah Yarchun

In a small town, in an archival library, there’s a vault. Inside the vault, there’s a box. Stella, Lydia’s dying grandmother, has convinced her that inside the box is a buried family secret that could alter their lives. But the founder of the library funded it under the stipulation that the box never be opened. Lydia and Stella need vindication. Stan, the library’s archivist, needs to protect the library and the...

In a small town, in an archival library, there’s a vault. Inside the vault, there’s a box. Stella, Lydia’s dying grandmother, has convinced her that inside the box is a buried family secret that could alter their lives. But the founder of the library funded it under the stipulation that the box never be opened. Lydia and Stella need vindication. Stan, the library’s archivist, needs to protect the library and the founder’s integrity at all costs. Lydia isn’t going away. And Stan isn’t backing down. Preservation is a dark comedic drama that explores what happens when protecting the dead comes at the cost of the living.

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Recommended by

  • Cheryl Bear: Preservation

    A moving story of uncovering the history and trauma for truth. Well done.

    A moving story of uncovering the history and trauma for truth. Well done.

  • Nick Malakhow: Preservation

    A thoroughly engrossing piece that examines family history, trauma, and identity in a human, fascinating way. The tension between Lydia's quest for truth and Stan's determination to preserve a certain version of history is palpable throughout, even as the characters engage in gentle and humorous interactions. Things escalate steadily, however, and the reveals about Abraham's true nature and Stan's stake in the lie manage to feel both major and organic. I loved the theatrical grand gesture in the final moments--how I'd so love to see it realized visually and aurally onstage!

    A thoroughly engrossing piece that examines family history, trauma, and identity in a human, fascinating way. The tension between Lydia's quest for truth and Stan's determination to preserve a certain version of history is palpable throughout, even as the characters engage in gentle and humorous interactions. Things escalate steadily, however, and the reveals about Abraham's true nature and Stan's stake in the lie manage to feel both major and organic. I loved the theatrical grand gesture in the final moments--how I'd so love to see it realized visually and aurally onstage!

  • Judy B. Goss: Preservation

    Grabbed by the action, I was drawn deeply into the characters’ eccentric humanity through dark humor. PRESERVATION weaves an intriguing story, beyond the suspense of discovering what had been ordered to be hidden in a lock box forever. Urgent to verify their identities, past and present, the characters bend each other to serve their deepest needs, operating with cleverness and passion.

    Grabbed by the action, I was drawn deeply into the characters’ eccentric humanity through dark humor. PRESERVATION weaves an intriguing story, beyond the suspense of discovering what had been ordered to be hidden in a lock box forever. Urgent to verify their identities, past and present, the characters bend each other to serve their deepest needs, operating with cleverness and passion.

View all 4 recommendations

Character Information

  • Lydia
    Hair up in a bun until scene five. She means well.
    Character Age
    late 30s
    Character Gender Identity
  • Stan
    Balding. Protective. He wants to be kind. There’s something charmingly old-fashioned about him.
    Character Age
    late 30s
    Character Gender Identity
  • Stella
    Loose ragged hair. She’s lived a rough life and hasn’t aged gracefully but maintains a stern sophistication to her. Sometimes coherent, sometimes lost.
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Workshop, Organization William Inge Center for the Arts, Year 2017

Production History

  • Type University, Organization Atlantic Acting School, NYU, Year 2018


  • Blue Ink Award
    American Blues Theatre
  • Jewish Ensemble Theatre's New Play Festival
    Jewish Ensemble Theatre
  • Kitchen Dog Theater's New Works Festival
    Kitchen Dog Theater
  • Collaboration Award
    Women in the Arts & Media Coalition
  • Woodward/Newman Drama Award
    Bloomington Playwrights Project