Recommendations of The Grand Illusion Show

  • Samantha Marchant: The Grand Illusion Show

    Enjoyable, concise and full of magic! Would love to see multiple productions to see how they each run with the ideas Dendinger generously offers.

    Enjoyable, concise and full of magic! Would love to see multiple productions to see how they each run with the ideas Dendinger generously offers.

  • Kitchen Dog Theater: The Grand Illusion Show

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2020 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2020 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

  • Playwrights Foundation: The Grand Illusion Show

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play THE GRAND ILLUSION SHOW, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

    Playwrights Foundation enthusiastically recommends this play THE GRAND ILLUSION SHOW, as a Semi-Finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2020. We were moved by the quality of the writing and the relevant and compelling themes that spoke to the mission of our festival. It excelled in a competitive process of 735 plays submitted this year and rose to the top after a six month long process discussing its merits with both national and local Bay Area readers, and we hope it moves swiftly towards production.

  • Samantha Cooper: The Grand Illusion Show

    Who knew the world was in such bad need of a mystically play about a female magician fighting for her legacy in the boys club of grand illusions? Well, Dendinger knew, that's who! This play clips along at a fantastic pace, mirroring the twists, turns, and misdirections of the world of magic it explores all while exploring questions of female histories and how we take control of our own stories when the world is doing everything it to make our contributions disappear.

    Who knew the world was in such bad need of a mystically play about a female magician fighting for her legacy in the boys club of grand illusions? Well, Dendinger knew, that's who! This play clips along at a fantastic pace, mirroring the twists, turns, and misdirections of the world of magic it explores all while exploring questions of female histories and how we take control of our own stories when the world is doing everything it to make our contributions disappear.

  • Stephen Foglia: The Grand Illusion Show

    Such a winning, vibrant magic-show of a play. Dendinger hits a sweet spot of historical comedy that reflects, with both charm and anger, the world of today. If it's this much fun to read, I can only imagine how the play takes flight when the wonderful illusions are actually staged!

    Such a winning, vibrant magic-show of a play. Dendinger hits a sweet spot of historical comedy that reflects, with both charm and anger, the world of today. If it's this much fun to read, I can only imagine how the play takes flight when the wonderful illusions are actually staged!

  • Callan Stout: The Grand Illusion Show

    I don’t remember when I last read a play where the dialogue popped off the page like this. Each character immediately comes to life with their first line of dialogue. The whole play snaps and crackles and it seduces you to the end. Can’t wait to see it done!

    I don’t remember when I last read a play where the dialogue popped off the page like this. Each character immediately comes to life with their first line of dialogue. The whole play snaps and crackles and it seduces you to the end. Can’t wait to see it done!