Recommendations of Miles of Homemade Candy

  • Cloe Pohlman: Miles of Homemade Candy

    This short play is beautifully executed, with the halloween setting really tying it all together! The emotions between Miles and his mother feels incredibly genuine, very well rounded characters. Her concern and worry for her son is something that could be felt while reading. I cannot recommend this amazing short play more!

    This short play is beautifully executed, with the halloween setting really tying it all together! The emotions between Miles and his mother feels incredibly genuine, very well rounded characters. Her concern and worry for her son is something that could be felt while reading. I cannot recommend this amazing short play more!

  • Vivian Lermond: Miles of Homemade Candy

    It's the story behind the story that sold me on this wonderful play! This ten minute gem, set so well behind a Halloween backdrop, delivers the unexpected flawlessly! A sure hit for any Halloween short play festival!

    It's the story behind the story that sold me on this wonderful play! This ten minute gem, set so well behind a Halloween backdrop, delivers the unexpected flawlessly! A sure hit for any Halloween short play festival!

  • Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos: Miles of Homemade Candy

    What I like most about this beautifully executed play, is how palpable the terror feels for the mother. And rolled out alongside Halloween, as if the true horror for Edna is her very real concern for the safety and well-being of her child, is just brilliant. The title is quite smart, too. Wonderfully crafted characters round out this stellar 10 minute play. What a gem!

    What I like most about this beautifully executed play, is how palpable the terror feels for the mother. And rolled out alongside Halloween, as if the true horror for Edna is her very real concern for the safety and well-being of her child, is just brilliant. The title is quite smart, too. Wonderfully crafted characters round out this stellar 10 minute play. What a gem!

  • Asher Wyndham: Miles of Homemade Candy

    Another stunning ten-minute from Seinuk!
    An unexpected Halloween play without scares. But one that addresses fears and monsters of some kind (transphobes).
    Beautiful play about a mother accepting her child's gender and identity expression and a son's fearless purusit of authenticity against hate.

    Another stunning ten-minute from Seinuk!
    An unexpected Halloween play without scares. But one that addresses fears and monsters of some kind (transphobes).
    Beautiful play about a mother accepting her child's gender and identity expression and a son's fearless purusit of authenticity against hate.

  • Jordan Morille: Miles of Homemade Candy

    Fantastic ten-minute play that asks questions of identity and family, wrapped up nice and tight like a Mummy Pirate! The use of Halloween not only helps make the play that much more unique, but also provides a fun, texture-filled setting that is very apropos to the theme. Can't recommend this short play enough!

    Fantastic ten-minute play that asks questions of identity and family, wrapped up nice and tight like a Mummy Pirate! The use of Halloween not only helps make the play that much more unique, but also provides a fun, texture-filled setting that is very apropos to the theme. Can't recommend this short play enough!