Recommendations of Shakespeare's Skull

  • Josie Seid: Shakespeare's Skull

    The most hilarious and intelligent play to come along in a while! It is no easy feat to bring an audience to tears with laughter one moment and have them holding their breath waiting to see how these delightfully unlucky characters will wiggle out of the predicaments they get themselves into the next but Rich Rubin does it effortlessly and with a mastery of the style of Shakespeare himself.

    The most hilarious and intelligent play to come along in a while! It is no easy feat to bring an audience to tears with laughter one moment and have them holding their breath waiting to see how these delightfully unlucky characters will wiggle out of the predicaments they get themselves into the next but Rich Rubin does it effortlessly and with a mastery of the style of Shakespeare himself.

  • Sara Jean Accuardi: Shakespeare's Skull

    This play is crowd-pleaser if ever there was one. I attended a reading that had the audience-- a very large crowd composed of people from all walks of life-- laughing so much they were wiping tears away and bursting into random applause. It's pure fun and a surefire slam-dunk for any theatre company looking to simply give their audience a good time.

    This play is crowd-pleaser if ever there was one. I attended a reading that had the audience-- a very large crowd composed of people from all walks of life-- laughing so much they were wiping tears away and bursting into random applause. It's pure fun and a surefire slam-dunk for any theatre company looking to simply give their audience a good time.

  • Lolly Ward: Shakespeare's Skull

    Can you tell genius from just a skull? What would it feel like -- and inspire in you -- to hold one yourself? This play is a good time from start to finish, AND you get a dash of history to boot. But my very favorite lines are the celebration of feminism through pigeons. A fun, smart farce.

    Can you tell genius from just a skull? What would it feel like -- and inspire in you -- to hold one yourself? This play is a good time from start to finish, AND you get a dash of history to boot. But my very favorite lines are the celebration of feminism through pigeons. A fun, smart farce.

  • Brianna Barrett: Shakespeare's Skull

    This play is hilarious. It is a light, historically-based story, imaginatively brought to life with this cast of wacky, slap-stick characters who keep you laughing from start to finish. I love the historical details tucked in amid the utter nonsense. It's so much FUN! A well-plotted, carefully crafted play that doesn't take itself to seriously, and I would love to see it fully realized on stage.

    This play is hilarious. It is a light, historically-based story, imaginatively brought to life with this cast of wacky, slap-stick characters who keep you laughing from start to finish. I love the historical details tucked in amid the utter nonsense. It's so much FUN! A well-plotted, carefully crafted play that doesn't take itself to seriously, and I would love to see it fully realized on stage.