Recommendations of Phone Friend

  • Bella Poynton: Phone Friend

    A sweet, timely piece about the power of connection. With phone conversations becoming less and less common among the youngest generation, this play offers something unique and almost period in it's stylistic lens. It's a fantastic piece for actors and offers deep emotional range. Bravo!

    A sweet, timely piece about the power of connection. With phone conversations becoming less and less common among the youngest generation, this play offers something unique and almost period in it's stylistic lens. It's a fantastic piece for actors and offers deep emotional range. Bravo!

  • Kris Thompson: Phone Friend

    I happened upon Josephson's blog and was hoping to find his "If Only, a Tale From a Thursday" but perhaps not yet fully developed. I was rewarded, however, with this short which poignantly demonstrates the downright necessity we all have for human connection and personal growth. Lovely...

    I happened upon Josephson's blog and was hoping to find his "If Only, a Tale From a Thursday" but perhaps not yet fully developed. I was rewarded, however, with this short which poignantly demonstrates the downright necessity we all have for human connection and personal growth. Lovely...

  • Evan Baughfman: Phone Friend

    An interesting and lovely story about the power of connecting with strangers during difficult times.

    An interesting and lovely story about the power of connecting with strangers during difficult times.

  • Jack Levine: Phone Friend

    JONATHAN JOSEPHSON has written a play of two people ‘meeting’ by a chance wrong number. “Phone Friend” touches on our emotional need to be connected, even to a stranger, when we are struggling with the loss of a loved one. I love the realistic buildup of the friendship of these two people. This is a perfect play for Zoom and would be just as great onstage.

    JONATHAN JOSEPHSON has written a play of two people ‘meeting’ by a chance wrong number. “Phone Friend” touches on our emotional need to be connected, even to a stranger, when we are struggling with the loss of a loved one. I love the realistic buildup of the friendship of these two people. This is a perfect play for Zoom and would be just as great onstage.

  • Cheryl Bear: Phone Friend

    A fantastic play about the power of generosity and the value human connection can have on someone's life. Well done.

    A fantastic play about the power of generosity and the value human connection can have on someone's life. Well done.

  • Lee R. Lawing: Phone Friend

    A moving and very emotional play by Josephson. We can plan and plan on so many things, but Chance often plays the bigger card and that is certainly the case with Phone Friend and it proves that each and every one of us has the possibility to play a bigger role in someone else's life.

    A moving and very emotional play by Josephson. We can plan and plan on so many things, but Chance often plays the bigger card and that is certainly the case with Phone Friend and it proves that each and every one of us has the possibility to play a bigger role in someone else's life.