NUCLEAR FAMILY is exactly, EXACTLY, as complicated and messy as you hope it will be. There are no easy answers, everyone is mostly uncomfortable and seeking a way to be less miserable. Sounds about right.
Smith leaves nothing unturned, as she delves into a family drama that's also social commentary, also a fascinating character examination, also an all-too-possible exploration of our relationships with our devices.
Perhaps most fascinating is her exploration of the relationship between daughter Harriet and bot NiNa, as Harriet throws herself into her Human/Bot relation studies. It's a...
NUCLEAR FAMILY is exactly, EXACTLY, as complicated and messy as you hope it will be. There are no easy answers, everyone is mostly uncomfortable and seeking a way to be less miserable. Sounds about right.
Smith leaves nothing unturned, as she delves into a family drama that's also social commentary, also a fascinating character examination, also an all-too-possible exploration of our relationships with our devices.
Perhaps most fascinating is her exploration of the relationship between daughter Harriet and bot NiNa, as Harriet throws herself into her Human/Bot relation studies. It's a particularly complex dynamic in the midst of many.