Recommendations of The Giant Void In My Soul

  • Germaine Shames: The Giant Void In My Soul

    Bernardo Cubria contains multitudes. Even in a scene with two actors on a bare stage, his words conjure the whole of human experience.

    Bernardo Cubria contains multitudes. Even in a scene with two actors on a bare stage, his words conjure the whole of human experience.

  • Ky Weeks: The Giant Void In My Soul

    A quest that feels both classical yet also entirely of our times. Broad and general, yet still personal to these particular fools. Cubria's writing is a tremendous gift for a couple of actors with strong chemistry and sharp comedic wit. Can the existential problems ever be solved? Maybe not. But there's a real heart in the bond between the fools, a focus on friendship through the challenges of life that's touching and refreshing to see.

    A quest that feels both classical yet also entirely of our times. Broad and general, yet still personal to these particular fools. Cubria's writing is a tremendous gift for a couple of actors with strong chemistry and sharp comedic wit. Can the existential problems ever be solved? Maybe not. But there's a real heart in the bond between the fools, a focus on friendship through the challenges of life that's touching and refreshing to see.

  • Cheryl Bear: The Giant Void In My Soul

    A play that gets to the heart of the enormous questions of life. The search for purpose, meaning and happiness is certainly quite a ride. Engaging and well done!

    A play that gets to the heart of the enormous questions of life. The search for purpose, meaning and happiness is certainly quite a ride. Engaging and well done!

  • Matthew Paul Olmos: The Giant Void In My Soul

    Though the beautiful use of comedia and the rather deep notion of a Fool, this play continues a smile across your face while the "characters" venture into the large questions of being alive. Cubria has created his own world, making newly relevant theatrical traditions to help us find our way through the world we currently live in. A play of deeply felt joy.

    Though the beautiful use of comedia and the rather deep notion of a Fool, this play continues a smile across your face while the "characters" venture into the large questions of being alive. Cubria has created his own world, making newly relevant theatrical traditions to help us find our way through the world we currently live in. A play of deeply felt joy.

  • Lisa Kenner Grissom: The Giant Void In My Soul

    In The Giant Void In My Soul, Bernardo Cubria explores the big, existential questions-- how do we find meaning in this thing called life? How can we be happy? Cubria's characters undertake an epic journey in search of meaning that is at once relatable, profound, hilarious--and truthful. When was the last time you read a play that made you feel all the feels? The Giant Void In My Soul is is a brilliant piece of theatre, and I hope it gets produced widely.

    In The Giant Void In My Soul, Bernardo Cubria explores the big, existential questions-- how do we find meaning in this thing called life? How can we be happy? Cubria's characters undertake an epic journey in search of meaning that is at once relatable, profound, hilarious--and truthful. When was the last time you read a play that made you feel all the feels? The Giant Void In My Soul is is a brilliant piece of theatre, and I hope it gets produced widely.

  • Shaun Leisher: The Giant Void In My Soul

    The search for one's purpose in life is certainly not a new thing explored in theatre so I'm truly glad that Bernardo has taken this subject on in such a unique way. A hilarious satire on what we do to fill our lives that will certainly be a gift to actors, directors and designers. The lack of concrete stage directions and gendered language give artists makes you know this is a play written by an actor who loves to just create theatre.

    The search for one's purpose in life is certainly not a new thing explored in theatre so I'm truly glad that Bernardo has taken this subject on in such a unique way. A hilarious satire on what we do to fill our lives that will certainly be a gift to actors, directors and designers. The lack of concrete stage directions and gendered language give artists makes you know this is a play written by an actor who loves to just create theatre.