Were John Hughes alive today, he might give us something exactly like Jennie Webb’s insightful dark comedy, Brand New Script. Webb’s dialogue expertly captures the rhythms of contemporary teen-speak, and shows us how young people process their collective traumas in the 21st century. The ease with which characters rattle off a laundry list of behavioral and developmental diagnoses, along with the stunning proclamation “it’s just pills” as a curative, speaks volumes about where we are culturally.
Were John Hughes alive today, he might give us something exactly like Jennie Webb’s insightful dark comedy, Brand New Script. Webb’s dialogue expertly captures the rhythms of contemporary teen-speak, and shows us how young people process their collective traumas in the 21st century. The ease with which characters rattle off a laundry list of behavioral and developmental diagnoses, along with the stunning proclamation “it’s just pills” as a curative, speaks volumes about where we are culturally.