Recommendations of You Must Wear a Hat

  • Shaun Leisher: You Must Wear a Hat

    What a fantastic play. An important piece about climate change that features two people yearning for connection. Loved all the unique stage directions. I want to see this play fully realized.

    What a fantastic play. An important piece about climate change that features two people yearning for connection. Loved all the unique stage directions. I want to see this play fully realized.

  • Tom Erb: You Must Wear a Hat

    I highly recommend C. Meaker's "You Must Wear a Hat" for the ability to craft compelling narratives and characters. This play bring a unique perspective to storytelling.

    I highly recommend C. Meaker's "You Must Wear a Hat" for the ability to craft compelling narratives and characters. This play bring a unique perspective to storytelling.

  • Alex Kingsley: You Must Wear a Hat

    I had the opportunity to see a staged reading of this play at the Kennedy Center and it was so fantastically bizarre. Deeply unsettling in the best way.

    I had the opportunity to see a staged reading of this play at the Kennedy Center and it was so fantastically bizarre. Deeply unsettling in the best way.

  • Erin Malone Turner: You Must Wear a Hat

    I got to see a staged reading of this at Kitchen Dog Theater, and it has haunted me since then in the best way. It's one of the most heart-wrenching two-handers I've ever experienced. An exquisite diorama of reaching out in loneliness, the intimacy of trading stories & secrets, and what the world could have to offer at the end of it. It's funny, desperate, rich, and clings to hope / joy / wonder. This play is a gift.

    I got to see a staged reading of this at Kitchen Dog Theater, and it has haunted me since then in the best way. It's one of the most heart-wrenching two-handers I've ever experienced. An exquisite diorama of reaching out in loneliness, the intimacy of trading stories & secrets, and what the world could have to offer at the end of it. It's funny, desperate, rich, and clings to hope / joy / wonder. This play is a gift.

  • Charles Green: You Must Wear a Hat

    One of the most cogent explorations of love, this play isolates the viewer in a melancholy state, stripping away our defenses and opening us up to the potential for total vulnerability. Funny, strange, and hopeful, one can't help but feel the play is an act of forgiveness, a truly rare catharsis.

    One of the most cogent explorations of love, this play isolates the viewer in a melancholy state, stripping away our defenses and opening us up to the potential for total vulnerability. Funny, strange, and hopeful, one can't help but feel the play is an act of forgiveness, a truly rare catharsis.

  • Megan Gogerty: You Must Wear a Hat

    Theatrical and nuanced, this play rings the alarm about climate change and the great barrier reef while delivering funny, heartbreaking, achingly drawn characters.

    Theatrical and nuanced, this play rings the alarm about climate change and the great barrier reef while delivering funny, heartbreaking, achingly drawn characters.

  • Kitchen Dog Theater: You Must Wear a Hat

    This play was chosen from nearly 450 submitted scripts and received a staged reading as part of our annual festival.

    This play was chosen from nearly 450 submitted scripts and received a staged reading as part of our annual festival.

  • Ellen "Dash" Walter: You Must Wear a Hat

    I had the fortunate opportunity to witness the reading of this incredible new play at the Kennedy Center MFA Workshop 2018. It was a rare in its ability to address the impact of climate change while also evoking the simple beauty of human love and interaction. I love the potential of the casting and the playfulness and humor juxtaposed to the serious dramatic themes.

    I had the fortunate opportunity to witness the reading of this incredible new play at the Kennedy Center MFA Workshop 2018. It was a rare in its ability to address the impact of climate change while also evoking the simple beauty of human love and interaction. I love the potential of the casting and the playfulness and humor juxtaposed to the serious dramatic themes.

  • Nan Barnett: You Must Wear a Hat

    I love this play and can't wait to see it produced. This story of two people brought together by climate and cirumstance is Beckett-like in its approach to communication, setting the stage for two remarkable performances. This is your play if you'd like a dark comedy about the connections humans make and break, and the magic that can result from a bond beween humans. (Oh, and a rabbit.)

    I love this play and can't wait to see it produced. This story of two people brought together by climate and cirumstance is Beckett-like in its approach to communication, setting the stage for two remarkable performances. This is your play if you'd like a dark comedy about the connections humans make and break, and the magic that can result from a bond beween humans. (Oh, and a rabbit.)