Recommendations of Are You Comfortable?

  • Christopher Plumridge: Are You Comfortable?

    So much said in so few words, this monologue is incredible! Lucy quickly brings us into her world to a point we feel like we've known her for years, then the real horror creeps up on us most unexpectedly, a true reflection of some of these awful shootings. Am I comfortable? No.

    So much said in so few words, this monologue is incredible! Lucy quickly brings us into her world to a point we feel like we've known her for years, then the real horror creeps up on us most unexpectedly, a true reflection of some of these awful shootings. Am I comfortable? No.

  • Paul Donnelly: Are You Comfortable?

    That the build to horror is so subtle and unexpected gives this piece its incredible power. Lucy is an engaging young woman with a life of promise. It isn't possible to be comfortable by the time she has finished speaking.

    That the build to horror is so subtle and unexpected gives this piece its incredible power. Lucy is an engaging young woman with a life of promise. It isn't possible to be comfortable by the time she has finished speaking.

  • Marj O'Neill-Butler: Are You Comfortable?

    This likable young woman brings us along throughout this devastating monologue. And then the ending...good God I was right there with her. A powerful piece for a young person.

    This likable young woman brings us along throughout this devastating monologue. And then the ending...good God I was right there with her. A powerful piece for a young person.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Are You Comfortable?

    What a powerful monologue, speaking to the horrors of American gun violence. A wonderful, devastating piece for a young actor.

    What a powerful monologue, speaking to the horrors of American gun violence. A wonderful, devastating piece for a young actor.

  • Len Cuthbert: Are You Comfortable?

    A script that leaves you uncomfortable.
    Well done.

    A script that leaves you uncomfortable.
    Well done.

  • Laura Rohrman: Are You Comfortable?

    Brutal, devastating and so well written. This needs to be in a monologue book so teens will do this piece. I want to cry right now.

    Brutal, devastating and so well written. This needs to be in a monologue book so teens will do this piece. I want to cry right now.

  • Lucy Wang: Are You Comfortable?

    Heart wrenching as Diamond brings to life the gun epidemic that is spreading like a disease. Swift and powerful like a speeding bullet.

    Heart wrenching as Diamond brings to life the gun epidemic that is spreading like a disease. Swift and powerful like a speeding bullet.

  • Doug DeVita: Are You Comfortable?

    A stunning, concise, and hard-hitting3-minute punch to the gut from Diamond, with a final line that kills. A great role for a strong actress.

    A stunning, concise, and hard-hitting3-minute punch to the gut from Diamond, with a final line that kills. A great role for a strong actress.

  • Claudia Haas: Are You Comfortable?

    With a country far too comfortable with lax gun control, Diamond offers us a monologue (and a life) that comes full circle with a gut-punching end. It’s impossible to be comfortable after reading this. It needs to be on many stages so that more Americans can grow uncomfortable with our out-of-control gun culture.

    With a country far too comfortable with lax gun control, Diamond offers us a monologue (and a life) that comes full circle with a gut-punching end. It’s impossible to be comfortable after reading this. It needs to be on many stages so that more Americans can grow uncomfortable with our out-of-control gun culture.

  • Donna Gordon: Are You Comfortable?

    Such a realistic account would bring the gun violence issue home to anybody. It's not about who is the victim, it's about anybody who could be the victim. This monologue manages a complete story with a gripping ending. These were wonderful people, victims of outmoded laws.

    Such a realistic account would bring the gun violence issue home to anybody. It's not about who is the victim, it's about anybody who could be the victim. This monologue manages a complete story with a gripping ending. These were wonderful people, victims of outmoded laws.