Recommendations of The Final Debate

  • Jessica Ilin: The Final Debate

    These characters are real, lively, and unique. The Finale Debate recognizes the reality of gun violence in a way that forces others to listen and take action. Thank you for your beautiful work.

    These characters are real, lively, and unique. The Finale Debate recognizes the reality of gun violence in a way that forces others to listen and take action. Thank you for your beautiful work.

  • D. Lee Miller: The Final Debate

    This well-written play carries you along a recognizable road until it blows you away with truth and reality. It is very meaningful regarding gun violence. The teenage roles would be welcome in any high school or adult theatre. Well done Bublitz.

    This well-written play carries you along a recognizable road until it blows you away with truth and reality. It is very meaningful regarding gun violence. The teenage roles would be welcome in any high school or adult theatre. Well done Bublitz.

  • Cheryl Bear: The Final Debate

    A timely piece where students pick up the mantle for people to value their lives and finally take action on gun control. Well done.

    A timely piece where students pick up the mantle for people to value their lives and finally take action on gun control. Well done.

  • Jennifer Kokai: The Final Debate

    I was lucky enough to direct the first performance of this for Plan-B this fall. Bublitz has created two sharply distinct female teenage characters. They are smart, serious, and great roles for actresses to play. The audience responded very strongly to this piece and it was clear it had a significant impact. Strongly recommend this ten minute.

    I was lucky enough to direct the first performance of this for Plan-B this fall. Bublitz has created two sharply distinct female teenage characters. They are smart, serious, and great roles for actresses to play. The audience responded very strongly to this piece and it was clear it had a significant impact. Strongly recommend this ten minute.

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: The Final Debate

    Bublitz leads us one way and swerves us into an entirely different direction in this short, human, and ultimately tragic play. There are matters and debates to be had and there is a lot of posturing and competition to be the one to get one over on the opposition, and Bublitz completely encapsulates the state of our national dialogue in her two debaters but she brings a sobering and necessary wake-up call to America. While time-consuming debates and loopholes are bandied about, lives are still being lost and we are ultimately responsible for not bringing action more effectively. Very thought...

    Bublitz leads us one way and swerves us into an entirely different direction in this short, human, and ultimately tragic play. There are matters and debates to be had and there is a lot of posturing and competition to be the one to get one over on the opposition, and Bublitz completely encapsulates the state of our national dialogue in her two debaters but she brings a sobering and necessary wake-up call to America. While time-consuming debates and loopholes are bandied about, lives are still being lost and we are ultimately responsible for not bringing action more effectively. Very thought-provoking.

  • Asher Wyndham: The Final Debate

    Bublitz's powerful TYA play could do more than elicit empathy -- it could do more than make an audience angry at the sad state of our country under the Second Amendment; it could inspire students in school and their parents to take action, to keep school safety at the top of priorities and demand change from the powerful people in the community. The PTSD-like trauma theatricalized in this play is today's reality for all schoolchildren -- this play reminds you of that. Perfect for a gun control festival. Highly recommended.

    Bublitz's powerful TYA play could do more than elicit empathy -- it could do more than make an audience angry at the sad state of our country under the Second Amendment; it could inspire students in school and their parents to take action, to keep school safety at the top of priorities and demand change from the powerful people in the community. The PTSD-like trauma theatricalized in this play is today's reality for all schoolchildren -- this play reminds you of that. Perfect for a gun control festival. Highly recommended.

  • Emily Hageman: The Final Debate

    Bublitz is a master at finding the artery and severing it completely. This would be an absolutely wonderful and devastating piece for high school students to perform at a competition. There is humor--wonderful, believable, casual naturalism--and then, there is the turn where everything changes and the characters are stripped down to their most basic form. Devastating, beautiful, and heart-breaking. These are real kids and I love them--as will an audience. They hope that it will have meaning. I hope that Bublitz's play will have the meaning it deserves. Bublitz shouts--when will it be...

    Bublitz is a master at finding the artery and severing it completely. This would be an absolutely wonderful and devastating piece for high school students to perform at a competition. There is humor--wonderful, believable, casual naturalism--and then, there is the turn where everything changes and the characters are stripped down to their most basic form. Devastating, beautiful, and heart-breaking. These are real kids and I love them--as will an audience. They hope that it will have meaning. I hope that Bublitz's play will have the meaning it deserves. Bublitz shouts--when will it be enough? Highly, highly recommended.