Recommendations of Egg Timer

  • Lee R. Lawing: Egg Timer

    This is one funny play and one that that draws on a very real danger of letting Social Media dictated your happiness, your sadness and your thoughts in general. For it's simplistic set up, Egg Timer delivers a real punch and wake-up call for so many things in a woman's life for sure, but also for all humans.

    This is one funny play and one that that draws on a very real danger of letting Social Media dictated your happiness, your sadness and your thoughts in general. For it's simplistic set up, Egg Timer delivers a real punch and wake-up call for so many things in a woman's life for sure, but also for all humans.

  • Steven G. Martin: Egg Timer

    Cristina Luzárraga has written a genuinely funny 10-minute farce that'll make audiences laugh out loud.

    "Egg Timer" is almost a fever dream, given the characters and the dialogue. But credit Luzárraga for the slight tonal change at the end, too. This is a fantastic "What if?"-premise play.

    Cristina Luzárraga has written a genuinely funny 10-minute farce that'll make audiences laugh out loud.

    "Egg Timer" is almost a fever dream, given the characters and the dialogue. But credit Luzárraga for the slight tonal change at the end, too. This is a fantastic "What if?"-premise play.

  • Cheryl Bear: Egg Timer

    With facebook baby photos galore, how on earth is your biological clock not supposed to tick? Funny and well done.

    With facebook baby photos galore, how on earth is your biological clock not supposed to tick? Funny and well done.

  • Stephen Kaplan: Egg Timer

    What a fun and funny piece! Would be a blast for any audience (and a welcome addition to any evening of one-acts). It's rare to find a larger cast ten-minute play with each character providing so much fun for an actor to play. The tempo and pacing are brisk and the jokes smart and surprising.

    What a fun and funny piece! Would be a blast for any audience (and a welcome addition to any evening of one-acts). It's rare to find a larger cast ten-minute play with each character providing so much fun for an actor to play. The tempo and pacing are brisk and the jokes smart and surprising.

  • Asher Wyndham: Egg Timer

    Haha this will be a blast of fun for your audience!
    Talking ova! Talking birth control!
    Every page, every moment, everything about this play is theatrical and comedy gold.
    Just perfect for any theatre that spotlights women's voices or any theatre producing a high caliber comedy showcase.

    Haha this will be a blast of fun for your audience!
    Talking ova! Talking birth control!
    Every page, every moment, everything about this play is theatrical and comedy gold.
    Just perfect for any theatre that spotlights women's voices or any theatre producing a high caliber comedy showcase.

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: Egg Timer

    Hilarious play with eggs who ask to become babies, but the best part is when the birth control shows up in a red dress, or maybe the best part is when some of the eggs get to respond in choral fashion with the words: cervical mucous! So much fun!

    Hilarious play with eggs who ask to become babies, but the best part is when the birth control shows up in a red dress, or maybe the best part is when some of the eggs get to respond in choral fashion with the words: cervical mucous! So much fun!

  • Rachel Bublitz: Egg Timer

    Who doesn’t love a play with anthropomorphic ovas? I can’t think of one person. EGG TIMER is so clever and funny, and even offers a few pearls of wisdom in the end. This would make such a great short to include in a festival, so much fun could be had with the different characters! I’m excited to check out more work by the playwright.

    Who doesn’t love a play with anthropomorphic ovas? I can’t think of one person. EGG TIMER is so clever and funny, and even offers a few pearls of wisdom in the end. This would make such a great short to include in a festival, so much fun could be had with the different characters! I’m excited to check out more work by the playwright.