Recommendations of Siren Songs

  • John Weagly: Siren Songs

    This chilling, lyrical play would be fascinating to see. A production with a good sound designer and movement choreographer could bring this script to life as a vivid, mesmerizing nightmare.

    This chilling, lyrical play would be fascinating to see. A production with a good sound designer and movement choreographer could bring this script to life as a vivid, mesmerizing nightmare.

  • Greg Burdick: Siren Songs

    Partain absolutely chills in this page-turner. With the sensibility of a tale by Poe, she weaves themes of loneliness, obsession with death, and madness, into a dark and gripping one act. I’ve climbed several lighthouse towers all along the east coast... after reading this play, I’ll never be able to scale the steps of another without thinking of Griffith and Howell. Terrifying.

    Partain absolutely chills in this page-turner. With the sensibility of a tale by Poe, she weaves themes of loneliness, obsession with death, and madness, into a dark and gripping one act. I’ve climbed several lighthouse towers all along the east coast... after reading this play, I’ll never be able to scale the steps of another without thinking of Griffith and Howell. Terrifying.

  • Aleks Merilo: Siren Songs

    In this ghostly and vivid script, Partain manages to bridge the gap between Sailor lore, mythology, and the stark reality of a nautical life. The immersive writing places the audience alongside the lonely scene at the edge of the known world. Characters are robust, and the cast is rounded out by a fascinating female lead. This feels like a play from another place and another era. Those who attend theater to see a world they’ve never seen before would relish this play.

    In this ghostly and vivid script, Partain manages to bridge the gap between Sailor lore, mythology, and the stark reality of a nautical life. The immersive writing places the audience alongside the lonely scene at the edge of the known world. Characters are robust, and the cast is rounded out by a fascinating female lead. This feels like a play from another place and another era. Those who attend theater to see a world they’ve never seen before would relish this play.

  • Shaun Leisher: Siren Songs

    Lindsay Partain brings the descent into madness to vivid life with this tightly paced one act. A real gift for actors, directors and designers that are interested in making theatre magic to terrify audiences with this true tale.

    Lindsay Partain brings the descent into madness to vivid life with this tightly paced one act. A real gift for actors, directors and designers that are interested in making theatre magic to terrify audiences with this true tale.

  • August Croft: Siren Songs

    The fact that this ISN'T entirely fiction is mind-blowing enough. The rest of the magic comes from Partain's writing. Learn some history, read about men losing their minds, and please produce this show. The lighting, sound, and set designers will have as much fun as the actors. A win all the way around!

    The fact that this ISN'T entirely fiction is mind-blowing enough. The rest of the magic comes from Partain's writing. Learn some history, read about men losing their minds, and please produce this show. The lighting, sound, and set designers will have as much fun as the actors. A win all the way around!

  • Holly Yurth Richards: Siren Songs

    Siren Songs is absolutely thrilling to read..I say to "read" but I should say "watch", as Partain's writing is so evocative that the entire chilling scene played out clearly in my mind's eye. Partain's mastery of tone and dialect appropriate to the setting is very apparent. From the opening scene to the final gasp-inducing ending I was hooked, mesmerized. To see this play produced would be a true delight.

    Siren Songs is absolutely thrilling to read..I say to "read" but I should say "watch", as Partain's writing is so evocative that the entire chilling scene played out clearly in my mind's eye. Partain's mastery of tone and dialect appropriate to the setting is very apparent. From the opening scene to the final gasp-inducing ending I was hooked, mesmerized. To see this play produced would be a true delight.