Recommendations of Borderline

  • Lainie Vansant: Borderline

    Siañez-De La O is a talented storyteller, and this play is no exception. The myths and tales interwoven into this piece give it a sense of magic and wonder which contrasts with the dismal reality of life on the border. This is really lovely work that should be produced!

    Siañez-De La O is a talented storyteller, and this play is no exception. The myths and tales interwoven into this piece give it a sense of magic and wonder which contrasts with the dismal reality of life on the border. This is really lovely work that should be produced!

  • Nick Malakhow: Borderline

    A beautiful, haunting, gorgeous play! The central four young people in this play are so deftly rendered. It's so rare to have such complex roles for young people in a vividly-realized theatrical world that would great theater for audiences of all ages and types. The specificity of the relationships and the amazing stage pictures and fantastical elements give this both an epic/mythic feel with an intimate focus. I'd love to see this world realized onstage. It's a director, designer, and actor's dream. I look forward to following its trajectory.

    A beautiful, haunting, gorgeous play! The central four young people in this play are so deftly rendered. It's so rare to have such complex roles for young people in a vividly-realized theatrical world that would great theater for audiences of all ages and types. The specificity of the relationships and the amazing stage pictures and fantastical elements give this both an epic/mythic feel with an intimate focus. I'd love to see this world realized onstage. It's a director, designer, and actor's dream. I look forward to following its trajectory.

  • Elizabeth A. M. Keel: Borderline

    Borderline is potent stuff. The blending of monsters and myths with the very real and traumatic mess at the border is an incredible way of dealing with such a complex issue. I love that the heroes are children, standing up to dragons even when the desert feels so endless all around them. Please stage this play. You will feel its beating heart, even just by reading.

    Borderline is potent stuff. The blending of monsters and myths with the very real and traumatic mess at the border is an incredible way of dealing with such a complex issue. I love that the heroes are children, standing up to dragons even when the desert feels so endless all around them. Please stage this play. You will feel its beating heart, even just by reading.

  • M Sloth Levine: Borderline

    Do this play! Andrew has written a really tight story that's achingly specific and cosmically hypnotic. You'll fall in love with these characters immediately, and his directions give you so much space to create something beautiful and unique on stage.

    Do this play! Andrew has written a really tight story that's achingly specific and cosmically hypnotic. You'll fall in love with these characters immediately, and his directions give you so much space to create something beautiful and unique on stage.

  • Georgina Escobar: Borderline

    One of the best TYA pieces that paints the Frontera aesthetic like no other. It is haunting and heart-warming and beautiful all around.

    One of the best TYA pieces that paints the Frontera aesthetic like no other. It is haunting and heart-warming and beautiful all around.

  • Andrew Shafer: Borderline

    Deeply moving play that was a part of the Echo's inaugural National Young Playwrights in Residence program.

    Deeply moving play that was a part of the Echo's inaugural National Young Playwrights in Residence program.

  • Heather Helinsky: Borderline

    The power of storytelling. Connection and search for a homeland. What sacrifices are made for love? What hopes and dreams can you have in the desert as an outsider? This plays interweaves stories, from Latinx myths to SE Hinton's Outsiders, as teenagers try to exist in the desert with helicopters searching for them. Haunting writing; left me with lines that still resonated with me long after I read it.

    The power of storytelling. Connection and search for a homeland. What sacrifices are made for love? What hopes and dreams can you have in the desert as an outsider? This plays interweaves stories, from Latinx myths to SE Hinton's Outsiders, as teenagers try to exist in the desert with helicopters searching for them. Haunting writing; left me with lines that still resonated with me long after I read it.

  • Imani Alyse Redman: Borderline

    A beautiful story, intensely magical, musical, and poetic. We get thrown into a world filled with danger that makes such an important commentary on a pressing issue. Though dangerous, it did not fail to make me laugh and bring me on an emotional roller coaster.

    A beautiful story, intensely magical, musical, and poetic. We get thrown into a world filled with danger that makes such an important commentary on a pressing issue. Though dangerous, it did not fail to make me laugh and bring me on an emotional roller coaster.

  • Cambria Denim: Borderline

    Andrew and I were Playwrights in Residence for the NYPR and I was so lucky to be able to hear this play. It is musical, magical, funny, then turns right around and kicks your heart's ass. A more topical and ethnically diverse Stranger Things.

    Andrew and I were Playwrights in Residence for the NYPR and I was so lucky to be able to hear this play. It is musical, magical, funny, then turns right around and kicks your heart's ass. A more topical and ethnically diverse Stranger Things.

  • Dayna Smith: Borderline

    Borderline takes place in an expertly-crafted physical space, sounds and imagery clearly building for us a murky wasteland where mysterious happenings take place and an eerie force is lurking. The innocence of four young adults struggling to exist in a dangerous darkness feels tangible. And at the core of this sinister environment beats an emotional heart about one's need to find safety, stability, love and the community we build when we are alone. A timely, heartbreaking piece.

    Borderline takes place in an expertly-crafted physical space, sounds and imagery clearly building for us a murky wasteland where mysterious happenings take place and an eerie force is lurking. The innocence of four young adults struggling to exist in a dangerous darkness feels tangible. And at the core of this sinister environment beats an emotional heart about one's need to find safety, stability, love and the community we build when we are alone. A timely, heartbreaking piece.