Recommendations of Sweet Revenge

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Sweet Revenge

    This is a wild ride. What fun roles for comedic older actors! I really enjoyed watching everything devolve into calculated insanity as the play progressed. This would be an easy play to produce, as it all takes place in the bakery, and it's full of roles that let actors shine. Great work!

    This is a wild ride. What fun roles for comedic older actors! I really enjoyed watching everything devolve into calculated insanity as the play progressed. This would be an easy play to produce, as it all takes place in the bakery, and it's full of roles that let actors shine. Great work!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: Sweet Revenge

    Julie Zaffarano has thrown mature actors into a messy situation where the one-liners and physical comedy fly at a frenetic pace in the Sweet (Sweat :-) Revenge Bakery. This play is great fun! I especially loved the tweets. Would love to see this staged!

    Julie Zaffarano has thrown mature actors into a messy situation where the one-liners and physical comedy fly at a frenetic pace in the Sweet (Sweat :-) Revenge Bakery. This play is great fun! I especially loved the tweets. Would love to see this staged!

  • sheila duane: Sweet Revenge

    I live in NJ, and in many ways this is a Jersey play. However, it is also a universal play. It taps into the whole 'reality show' vibe and the desperation of small business owners to maintain success.
    Really fleshed-out characters and an interesting story. I can see the entire play take place in my mind's eye. Fast-paced and fun. I would love to see this play on stage because of the energy, the people and the movement of the story.

    I live in NJ, and in many ways this is a Jersey play. However, it is also a universal play. It taps into the whole 'reality show' vibe and the desperation of small business owners to maintain success.
    Really fleshed-out characters and an interesting story. I can see the entire play take place in my mind's eye. Fast-paced and fun. I would love to see this play on stage because of the energy, the people and the movement of the story.

  • John Patrick Bray: Sweet Revenge

    I worked as a bagel baker for over six years in upstate, New York. Zaffarano's characters feel like people I knew - in particular, there was someone who worked in the front who was very much in touch with her 1960s/Woodstock sensibilities - she would blast music smoke weed. It was a hoot! This is a long way of saying that reading Sweet Revenge felt like visiting with old friends. The stakes are incredibly high for this independent shop (true for all independent shops), and the characters are nuanced, richly textured people we root for along the way.

    I worked as a bagel baker for over six years in upstate, New York. Zaffarano's characters feel like people I knew - in particular, there was someone who worked in the front who was very much in touch with her 1960s/Woodstock sensibilities - she would blast music smoke weed. It was a hoot! This is a long way of saying that reading Sweet Revenge felt like visiting with old friends. The stakes are incredibly high for this independent shop (true for all independent shops), and the characters are nuanced, richly textured people we root for along the way.

  • Nick Malakhow: Sweet Revenge

    Reading this was definitely a pleasant diversion from the existential dread of the current moment! I enjoyed the stakes that everyone had in the bakery (and each other) and the reveals, twists, and satirical tropes were both recognizable while still being original. Great to see a farce with contemporary sensibilities and some unique and funny visual and timing gags. I also loved how it escalated in act two.

    Reading this was definitely a pleasant diversion from the existential dread of the current moment! I enjoyed the stakes that everyone had in the bakery (and each other) and the reveals, twists, and satirical tropes were both recognizable while still being original. Great to see a farce with contemporary sensibilities and some unique and funny visual and timing gags. I also loved how it escalated in act two.

  • Paul Donnelly: Sweet Revenge

    What a truly delightful confection! Sweet Revenge is a hilarious farce with an engaging plot and charming characters. The narrative moves at such a breakneck pace that I almost couldn't turn pages quickly enough. It is a bonus that many of these characters depict people of a certain age with a range of feelings and full humanity.

    What a truly delightful confection! Sweet Revenge is a hilarious farce with an engaging plot and charming characters. The narrative moves at such a breakneck pace that I almost couldn't turn pages quickly enough. It is a bonus that many of these characters depict people of a certain age with a range of feelings and full humanity.

  • Cheryl Bear: Sweet Revenge

    A marvelous race for sweet success in business and love that is a suspenseful and entertaining delight!

    A marvelous race for sweet success in business and love that is a suspenseful and entertaining delight!

  • Marjorie Bicknell: Sweet Revenge

    It's about time that somebody wrote a comedy about people of a certain age where they are more than caricatures. Sweet Revenge is a hilarious farce filled with great characters, surprising twists, hilarious comeuppances and of course a happy ending. The things that happen to the seniors in this play could have happened to folks of any age and that's one of the things that makes it so special.

    It's about time that somebody wrote a comedy about people of a certain age where they are more than caricatures. Sweet Revenge is a hilarious farce filled with great characters, surprising twists, hilarious comeuppances and of course a happy ending. The things that happen to the seniors in this play could have happened to folks of any age and that's one of the things that makes it so special.

  • Claudia Haas: Sweet Revenge

    Zaffarano has created a nothing-is-sacred farce. And she is using “senior” actors to boot! With ample room to chew the scenery, destroy the scenery, and modify the scenery in real time, this play offers every character a chance to basque in the absurd. With no break in the action, the build up to the chaotic ending is a heckuva good time. Sweet Revenge is the laugh-in break we need in our lives. Warning: you may leave the theatre craving sweets... and searching for a brownie recipe.

    Zaffarano has created a nothing-is-sacred farce. And she is using “senior” actors to boot! With ample room to chew the scenery, destroy the scenery, and modify the scenery in real time, this play offers every character a chance to basque in the absurd. With no break in the action, the build up to the chaotic ending is a heckuva good time. Sweet Revenge is the laugh-in break we need in our lives. Warning: you may leave the theatre craving sweets... and searching for a brownie recipe.

  • Lisa VillaMil: Sweet Revenge

    Sweet Revenge is dark comedy at its finest. Zaffarano proves a keen ear for quippy dialogue, and an adept ability to craft outlandishly enjoyable situational humor. Well written, and happily featuring a mature cast. This is comedy with a personal stamp, and a clear voice.

    Sweet Revenge is dark comedy at its finest. Zaffarano proves a keen ear for quippy dialogue, and an adept ability to craft outlandishly enjoyable situational humor. Well written, and happily featuring a mature cast. This is comedy with a personal stamp, and a clear voice.