Recommendations of The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

  • Ally Varitek: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    Utilizing a more precious, more sentimental energy derivative of Beckett's work, this play (and its extra large wedding cakes) goes for something sweet, evoking depth without needing to name it. Thoughtful and bittersweet through its use of images alone.

    Utilizing a more precious, more sentimental energy derivative of Beckett's work, this play (and its extra large wedding cakes) goes for something sweet, evoking depth without needing to name it. Thoughtful and bittersweet through its use of images alone.

  • Andrew Martineau: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    I have seen and read many stories about memory loss told in in a naturalistic way, but rarely have I experienced a play on the topic that is so theatrical and poetic. The beauty of the language evokes writers such as Thurber and Silverstein, and every prop and image creates a profound, visceral reaction. The ending just shattered me. Simply beautiful.

    I have seen and read many stories about memory loss told in in a naturalistic way, but rarely have I experienced a play on the topic that is so theatrical and poetic. The beauty of the language evokes writers such as Thurber and Silverstein, and every prop and image creates a profound, visceral reaction. The ending just shattered me. Simply beautiful.

  • Samantha Marchant: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    An elephant never forgets and this script will definitely linger in my mind. Haunting movement and repetition. Love all what the butterfly net could represent. Well done.

    An elephant never forgets and this script will definitely linger in my mind. Haunting movement and repetition. Love all what the butterfly net could represent. Well done.

  • Dave Osmundsen: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    Romero has such a way with poetic language and symbolism, making his plays both literate and theatrical. Reading this particular play is like stepping into another world that is both weird and wonderful. A script that tells a simple story of an elderly woman trying to grasp onto her memories, it is a joy to read for both the elliptical dialogue and the stage directions, which are worth reading their economy and poignancy. Check this out!

    Romero has such a way with poetic language and symbolism, making his plays both literate and theatrical. Reading this particular play is like stepping into another world that is both weird and wonderful. A script that tells a simple story of an elderly woman trying to grasp onto her memories, it is a joy to read for both the elliptical dialogue and the stage directions, which are worth reading their economy and poignancy. Check this out!

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    I highly recommend this play if you're looking for plays that offer images, language and ways to work with repetition. This makes me aware of how much I want for Claire. A poignant piece about aging and memory loss at the end of the light. There is a great amount of patience and generosity of heart here that seeps from the play to us.

    I highly recommend this play if you're looking for plays that offer images, language and ways to work with repetition. This makes me aware of how much I want for Claire. A poignant piece about aging and memory loss at the end of the light. There is a great amount of patience and generosity of heart here that seeps from the play to us.

  • Lainie Vansant: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    Anyone who has been around a family member dealing with dementia will recognize moments in this play that might be a dance. It's beautiful to read, and I'm sure it would be beautiful to stage. Theatres up for an artistically satisfying challenge should definitely do so.

    Anyone who has been around a family member dealing with dementia will recognize moments in this play that might be a dance. It's beautiful to read, and I'm sure it would be beautiful to stage. Theatres up for an artistically satisfying challenge should definitely do so.

  • Lee R. Lawing: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    As beautiful in its execution as it is haunting and sad in how it plays out. Dealing with aging parents and having lost my father a few years back, I latched on to Claire and her suitcase and my heart is full for her. Romero's writing is sheer poetry which leaves the reader breathless with wonder.

    As beautiful in its execution as it is haunting and sad in how it plays out. Dealing with aging parents and having lost my father a few years back, I latched on to Claire and her suitcase and my heart is full for her. Romero's writing is sheer poetry which leaves the reader breathless with wonder.

  • Eli Effinger-Weintraub: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    A poignant and lyrical work that dives into the heart of loss without needing to name it. This piece's dreamlike quality heightens the reality of Claire's slowly fading memory and Bruce's growing grief. An unexpected approach to Alzheimer's and other forms of memory loss that packs a punch which is almost stronger for its gentleness.

    A poignant and lyrical work that dives into the heart of loss without needing to name it. This piece's dreamlike quality heightens the reality of Claire's slowly fading memory and Bruce's growing grief. An unexpected approach to Alzheimer's and other forms of memory loss that packs a punch which is almost stronger for its gentleness.

  • Morgan Kinnally: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    I loved this piece at the Midwest Dramatists Conference 2018. A play about memory and our relationships, the elephant characters are at once charming but then their deeper and tragic relationship unfolds to makes them relatable and human.

    I loved this piece at the Midwest Dramatists Conference 2018. A play about memory and our relationships, the elephant characters are at once charming but then their deeper and tragic relationship unfolds to makes them relatable and human.

  • Mark Loewenstern: The Elephant and the Light in Claire's Suitcase

    Highly recommend this play. It sneaks up on you and suddenly it holds your heart in its hand.

    Highly recommend this play. It sneaks up on you and suddenly it holds your heart in its hand.