Recommendations of Tattooed Quilt

  • Debra A. Cole: Tattooed Quilt

    What a powerful piece of a not that distant future where the tables have turned and women of color rule the House and the Senate. In this world, white supremacists try to cover their former acts, past affiliations, and ugly beliefs. Is it too late? Most likely. JESSIE has certainly created a short play that will have audiences talking.

    What a powerful piece of a not that distant future where the tables have turned and women of color rule the House and the Senate. In this world, white supremacists try to cover their former acts, past affiliations, and ugly beliefs. Is it too late? Most likely. JESSIE has certainly created a short play that will have audiences talking.

  • Cole Hunter Dzubak: Tattooed Quilt

    This has been in my library since I joined NPX, so glad I gave this one a read today. Jessie Salsbury created a moving piece about consequences and how sometimes it is too late to change.

    This has been in my library since I joined NPX, so glad I gave this one a read today. Jessie Salsbury created a moving piece about consequences and how sometimes it is too late to change.

  • Aleks Merilo: Tattooed Quilt

    A vision of the future so close, yet unlike any I've seen before. Salsbury is able to create a fascinating world with the simplest of exposition, allowing us to feel as though we are experiencing a small part of a much larger national story. Salsbury astutely avoids any easy answers and comforting platitudes, and even the characters' supposed catharsis is met with suspicion. This is a brave, thought-provoking, and riveting piece that I hope to see onstage soon.

    A vision of the future so close, yet unlike any I've seen before. Salsbury is able to create a fascinating world with the simplest of exposition, allowing us to feel as though we are experiencing a small part of a much larger national story. Salsbury astutely avoids any easy answers and comforting platitudes, and even the characters' supposed catharsis is met with suspicion. This is a brave, thought-provoking, and riveting piece that I hope to see onstage soon.

  • Morgan Kinnally: Tattooed Quilt

    Beautiful work. I love this alternate reality. A stunning piece at the 2018 Midwest Dramatist Conference. It's relevant and confronts issues of oppression, politics, and atonement.

    Beautiful work. I love this alternate reality. A stunning piece at the 2018 Midwest Dramatist Conference. It's relevant and confronts issues of oppression, politics, and atonement.

  • Eli Effinger-Weintraub: Tattooed Quilt

    So, so much is happening in this play. In the constant positioning for power between a Black tattoo artist at the top of her game and an (allegedly) reformed white supremacist looking for redemption (or maybe a way to escape accountability), Salsbury presents both a future I'd dearly love to see and a microcosm of the current political landscape, all while deftly reminding us that the personal is political. The questions posed here have no easy answers, so Salsbury wisely offers none.

    So, so much is happening in this play. In the constant positioning for power between a Black tattoo artist at the top of her game and an (allegedly) reformed white supremacist looking for redemption (or maybe a way to escape accountability), Salsbury presents both a future I'd dearly love to see and a microcosm of the current political landscape, all while deftly reminding us that the personal is political. The questions posed here have no easy answers, so Salsbury wisely offers none.

  • Lindsay Partain: Tattooed Quilt

    Oh man! This play!!! Salsbury's take on the future of America is absolutely riveting. After this piece was read at the 2018 Midwest Dramatist Conference the room lit up-- we could have discussed her characters for hours! Gorgeous insight into 2 incredibly strong-willed characters. Either role would be an absolute feast for any actor.

    Oh man! This play!!! Salsbury's take on the future of America is absolutely riveting. After this piece was read at the 2018 Midwest Dramatist Conference the room lit up-- we could have discussed her characters for hours! Gorgeous insight into 2 incredibly strong-willed characters. Either role would be an absolute feast for any actor.

  • John Adams: Tattooed Quilt

    A look into a possible future that asks so many questions. How do we redeem those who have done the most to hurt society? SHOULD we redeem them? Do they even want to be redeemed? Strong characters help immerse you in the story, and the world-building is done effectively and efficiently as we learn about this new world of 2029. Will leave you thinking!

    A look into a possible future that asks so many questions. How do we redeem those who have done the most to hurt society? SHOULD we redeem them? Do they even want to be redeemed? Strong characters help immerse you in the story, and the world-building is done effectively and efficiently as we learn about this new world of 2029. Will leave you thinking!

  • Emily Hageman: Tattooed Quilt

    Harrowing and brilliant, Salsbury quickly and deftly paints for us a futuristic landscape in just a few pages. There are so many questions here--and the dialogue that comes from this play is powerful. It's incredibly and powerfully written and phenomenally polarizing. I saw this read at the Midwest Dramatists Convention and I believe we could have discussed it for a full two hours, if not more. Phenomenal work from a phenomenal playwright.

    Harrowing and brilliant, Salsbury quickly and deftly paints for us a futuristic landscape in just a few pages. There are so many questions here--and the dialogue that comes from this play is powerful. It's incredibly and powerfully written and phenomenally polarizing. I saw this read at the Midwest Dramatists Convention and I believe we could have discussed it for a full two hours, if not more. Phenomenal work from a phenomenal playwright.

  • Rachael Carnes: Tattooed Quilt

    At once visceral and intelligent, this play delves into the dance between past and present, moving on and not forgetting. Salisbury is uncompromising in this tight, tense piece that is all too timely. Would make a powerful addition to a short political play festival.

    At once visceral and intelligent, this play delves into the dance between past and present, moving on and not forgetting. Salisbury is uncompromising in this tight, tense piece that is all too timely. Would make a powerful addition to a short political play festival.

  • Dave Osmundsen: Tattooed Quilt

    A brief, yet powerfully unsentimental short play that asks whether the sins of the past can really be covered up, literally and figuratively. Salisbury is uncompromising in her approach to this question while giving equal voice to two opposite ends of a racial, social, and economic divide. It also speculates a future that has shifted power dynamics, but refuses to forget the devastation of past bigotry. Well done!

    A brief, yet powerfully unsentimental short play that asks whether the sins of the past can really be covered up, literally and figuratively. Salisbury is uncompromising in her approach to this question while giving equal voice to two opposite ends of a racial, social, and economic divide. It also speculates a future that has shifted power dynamics, but refuses to forget the devastation of past bigotry. Well done!