Jan Kultura, Substitute Teacher, and the Matriarchy of the Ants

by Ian Thal

Jan Kultura, Substitute Teacher, and the Matriarchy of the Ants:

With the assistance a Newspeak interpreter named Dix, Mister Kultura finds himself in a biology class presenting “The Matriarchy of the Ants,” a nature documentary. What follows is a lesson in evolutionary arms races, selfish genes, xenophobia, the threat that repressive regimes pose to scientific inquiry, a brief history of constructed languages...

Jan Kultura, Substitute Teacher, and the Matriarchy of the Ants:

With the assistance a Newspeak interpreter named Dix, Mister Kultura finds himself in a biology class presenting “The Matriarchy of the Ants,” a nature documentary. What follows is a lesson in evolutionary arms races, selfish genes, xenophobia, the threat that repressive regimes pose to scientific inquiry, a brief history of constructed languages, and puppet hijinks.

Comrade Guest Eder Kultura and MotherGov of Antland

Comrade Guest Eder Kultura from Ungoodland come to lifesci class and show Oldspeak TrueDocFilm. Newspeak Comrade TrueSpeaker Dix speak goodthinks. TrueDocFilm ref MotherGov of Antland and is ungoodthink. TrueDocFilm is untrue, maked by crimethinkers. Uncomrade Kultura is unperson. You unhear him. You unsee him. This warn you.You unread this. Download is infocrime. Stageact this is artcrime. This warn you.

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Jan Kultura, Substitute Teacher, and the Matriarchy of the Ants

Recommended by

  • Cheryl Bear: Jan Kultura, Substitute Teacher, and the Matriarchy of the Ants

    A thought provoking examination of the behavior of ants and human beings particularly in power cultivation through the lens of science. Well done.

    A thought provoking examination of the behavior of ants and human beings particularly in power cultivation through the lens of science. Well done.

  • Victoria Z. Daly: Jan Kultura, Substitute Teacher, and the Matriarchy of the Ants

    It's not just the hilarious double-speak (written in a language Ian Thal has invented), or the ant-on-ant puppetry, that's so effective here. It's the increasingly unsettling feeling that the science film enacted onstage describes not just ant behavior but also humans' relentless need to dominate, enslave and feed on each other. This is such an inventive and playful way to discuss both science denial and some truly disturbing realities about humans. Would love to see it staged.

    It's not just the hilarious double-speak (written in a language Ian Thal has invented), or the ant-on-ant puppetry, that's so effective here. It's the increasingly unsettling feeling that the science film enacted onstage describes not just ant behavior but also humans' relentless need to dominate, enslave and feed on each other. This is such an inventive and playful way to discuss both science denial and some truly disturbing realities about humans. Would love to see it staged.

  • AJ Campbell: Jan Kultura, Substitute Teacher, and the Matriarchy of the Ants

    This short but effective puppet piece is a searing condemnation of the influence of politics on science. The modern analogy would be the five o'clock follies pandemic press conferences when the scientist are sidelined by politicians speaking over them and undermining their words.

    There so many staging options to make this play perfectly of the moment, including making the characters wear masks, putting posters about the pandemic in the room, or by testing students as they walk in the classroom.

    Ian is a genius.

    This short but effective puppet piece is a searing condemnation of the influence of politics on science. The modern analogy would be the five o'clock follies pandemic press conferences when the scientist are sidelined by politicians speaking over them and undermining their words.

    There so many staging options to make this play perfectly of the moment, including making the characters wear masks, putting posters about the pandemic in the room, or by testing students as they walk in the classroom.

    Ian is a genius.

Character Information

Three characters are to be played by human actors.

The remaining characters are non-human and may be rendered as puppets.
  • Jan Kultura
    He is an immigrant, but now a citizen. His clothing and demeanor indicate that he has either never quite learned to conform to the customs of his new country or that he never fully wanted to. He is erudite – perhaps this is a family trait. Nonetheless, he has never mastered the use of either the definite or indefinite articles of speech.
    Character Age
    20s - 50s
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Slavic-Language speaker,
    Character Gender Identity
  • Comrade Dix
    Comrade Dix is a Newspeak interpreter and dresses in a severe, restrictive manner. Dix's gender is irrelevant. Dix is a patriot.
    Character Age
    20s - 50s
  • Presenter
    The host of a nature documentary. Dresses appropriately for the role. Erudite and enthusiastic.
    Character Age
    30s - Centenarian
    Character Gender Identity
  • Various Ants, DNA
    Portrayed by puppets. Most ant workers and soldiers are female like their queen. Only drones are male.

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization ScienceAF (Science Art Fusion), Year 2020


  • Independent International Award for Improper Dramaturgy «Neem-2019», Long List
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