In “Mox Nox,” Patrick Gabridge moves the traditional family drama to the back deck of a childhood home, now a precarious island in a world of rising seas. Two sisters suffer the wounds of their pasts, searching for a trick to save themselves. Time moves oddly in this play, where magic is normal and the forces of nature captivate. At turns full of wonder, anger, and sorrow, “Mox Nox” presents a lyrical portrait of life in an age of catastrophe and represents the effort to comprehend and process forces we cannot control. Highly recommended for theaters everywhere.
In “Mox Nox,” Patrick Gabridge moves the traditional family drama to the back deck of a childhood home, now a precarious island in a world of rising seas. Two sisters suffer the wounds of their pasts, searching for a trick to save themselves. Time moves oddly in this play, where magic is normal and the forces of nature captivate. At turns full of wonder, anger, and sorrow, “Mox Nox” presents a lyrical portrait of life in an age of catastrophe and represents the effort to comprehend and process forces we cannot control. Highly recommended for theaters everywhere.