by LaDarrion Williams
In the heart of Birmingham, Alabama, six brave Black students at McMillan University, a predominantly white institution, unite to form a co-ed fraternity dedicated to the overlooked Black community on campus. As they strive to make their voices heard and secure a space for themselves, their noble mission is derailed by escalating racial tension and a scandal that threatens to unravel their efforts. Confronted...
In the heart of Birmingham, Alabama, six brave Black students at McMillan University, a predominantly white institution, unite to form a co-ed fraternity dedicated to the overlooked Black community on campus. As they strive to make their voices heard and secure a space for themselves, their noble mission is derailed by escalating racial tension and a scandal that threatens to unravel their efforts. Confronted with personal secrets and ethical dilemmas, these young friends must come together, test their values, and confront the darkness within and around them in this intense and poignant drama.
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